Thank you for sharing your views

Between April and June this year, we invited the community surrounding the WRRF and the wider Bondi community to provide us their views on the area, the treatment plant and what living in Bondi means to them. We also asked you what could be improved to make the area even better than it is.

We spoke to a lot of people and got some great insights on what is important to the community, and we are using these insights to inform our engagement approach as we progress with the WRRF upgrade works.

Engagement activity in numbers:

From the feedback, here are some of the key themes of what is important to you:

Environmental protection - The most important issue of concern for you is environmental protection. Sydney Water shares your passion for the environment and will look to implement natural vegetation in the area.

Access to and use of green spaces - the parks and reserves around the Bondi Plant are currently being used for a wide range of recreation activities. We are hearing that there are some upgrades you would like to see to the area, as the condition have an impact this has on their activities.

Accessibility - An important topic for the community was safe access to green spaces and the wider area. Many parents struggle with accessing the area with a pram and this is even a deterrent for some. Most residents travel around Bondi on foot and many spoke about how Military Road is dangerous due to the lack of pedestrian crossings, blind corners and poorly maintained footpaths.

Cultural heritage - A strong theme during consultation is how proud Bondi residents are of their surroundings and how passionate they are in preserving the natural beauty of the area. During consultation, we asked you for ideas for any benefits or outcomes to the local area they would like to see, which Sydney Water should consider as part of project planning. There were many suggestions, particularly around improving accessibility to the recreational areas, so more people can enjoy the space.

We would like to thank everyone who came to our pop ups, meetings and filled in our survey. We are committing to implement these themes in our planning for the Bondi plant upgrade and will keep you involved and informed on the way.

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