North West Treatment Hub

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We’re building a more resilient wastewater system

Sydney’s north west is growing rapidly, with the region’s population expected to double by 2056. To enable Sydney Water to adaptively respond to growth, Sydney Water is delivering the North West Treatment Hub Program, which includes a suite of upgrades to cater for growth in the area.

The North West Treatment Hub includes three treatment facilities in the region – Castle Hill, Rouse Hill and Riverstone Water Resource Recovery Facilities (WRRFs). We are upgrading these WRRFs to ensure we can continue to provide an efficient wastewater system to cater for this growth and keep our waterways clean.

Sydney Water has partnered with John Holland, Stantec and KBR to form the North West Hub Alliance (NWHA).

The NWHA will deliver upgrades at Riverstone and Rouse Hill WRRFs to support an extra 45 megalitres of wastewater each day. That’s equivalent to 18 Olympic sized swimming pools!

Work on the North West Treatment Hub is happening under three programs:

We’re building a more resilient wastewater system

Sydney’s north west is growing rapidly, with the region’s population expected to double by 2056. To enable Sydney Water to adaptively respond to growth, Sydney Water is delivering the North West Treatment Hub Program, which includes a suite of upgrades to cater for growth in the area.

The North West Treatment Hub includes three treatment facilities in the region – Castle Hill, Rouse Hill and Riverstone Water Resource Recovery Facilities (WRRFs). We are upgrading these WRRFs to ensure we can continue to provide an efficient wastewater system to cater for this growth and keep our waterways clean.

Sydney Water has partnered with John Holland, Stantec and KBR to form the North West Hub Alliance (NWHA).

The NWHA will deliver upgrades at Riverstone and Rouse Hill WRRFs to support an extra 45 megalitres of wastewater each day. That’s equivalent to 18 Olympic sized swimming pools!

Work on the North West Treatment Hub is happening under three programs:

  • Do you use the Rouse Hill wetland for recreation? Please take our two-minute survey

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    We’re investigating options to renew the Rouse Hill wetland and we want to hear from you to understand how you use the area.

    The wetland, originally constructed on Second Ponds Creek in 1994, has played an important role in managing water quality within the stormwater catchment. The wetland is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including various species of birds, frogs and fish, and provides a vital habitat for local biodiversity.

    The proposed renewal work includes:

    • Improving access paths for safer recreation and maintenance
    • Enhancing natural habitats by removing invasive weeds and planting native vegetation
    • Improving flood management.

    This project aims to improve liveability for our community, ensuring our waterways and recreation areas remain clean and safe.

    Please take 2 minutes to participate in our community survey.

    For more information, you can contact us at or 1800 659 809.

  • Ongoing walking track closure – Castle Hill Water Resource Recovery Facility

    Share Ongoing walking track closure – Castle Hill Water Resource Recovery Facility on Facebook Share Ongoing walking track closure – Castle Hill Water Resource Recovery Facility on Twitter Share Ongoing walking track closure – Castle Hill Water Resource Recovery Facility on Linkedin Email Ongoing walking track closure – Castle Hill Water Resource Recovery Facility link

    To improve safety, we are planning an ongoing closure of the walking track along the western boundary of the Castle Hill Water Resource Recovery Facility (closest to Wrights Road) until mid-2026.

    This is a change to the original plan to open the walking track in September 2024 and periodically close it to undertake works as required.

    We are proposing to keep the track closed to provide more space for workers and equipment during construction as there is minimal space at the facility.

    More information

    For more information, please read the notification. We are also holding a community drop-in session this Saturday 28 September from 8am-10am just inside the facility’s access road gates, at the end of Wrights Road (weather permitting). Come along to ask your questions and receive more information.

    Community feedback

    If you have any questions or feedback about the change, please let us know by filling in a few short questions here -

  • Night work at Castle Hill Water Resource Recovery Facility - 25-25 September

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    Upgrades at the Castle Hill Water Resource Recovery Facility are continuing and there will be some night work from 10pm Tuesday 24 September 2023 to 7am the next day (Wednesday 25 September), weather permitting.

    We need to install some steel plates in one of our large tanks on site. For the safety of workers, we need to complete the work at night because that is when the water flow is low, making it easier to isolate and access

    More details available here.

  • Riverstone and Rouse Hill - Growth REF Addendum Decision Report has been published

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    The Decision Report for the June 2024 Review of Environmental Factors Addendum (REFA) has now been published and can be accessed here (pdf).

    During public exhibition between 17 June and 9 July 2024, community and stakeholders were invited to comment on the proposed changes. We received three submissions.

    This Decision Report:

    • summarises community and stakeholder consultation undertaken on the proposed change
    • considers the comments raised in the submissions
    • recommends that Sydney Water proceed with the proposed changes.

    We would like to thank everyone who provided feedback.

  • Riverstone and Rouse Hill - Growth REF Addendum is now on public display

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    In 2022 we publicly displayed a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) outlining our plans, including to build a pipeline. We had originally planned to build a new pipeline to transfer partially treated wastewater from Castle Hill WRRF to Rouse Hill WRRF, and from Rouse Hill WRRF to Riverstone WRRF for further treatment.

    We have refined these plans and have made some changes to the proposed designs. Most of these won’t have a substantial change in how the project impacts the community. One of the key changes is that we are now proposing to use a more efficient process called carbonisation to treat and reuse biosolids (a by-product of the current treatment process) at Riverstone WRRF.

    To provide the community with more detail on the proposed changes, a Review of Environmental Factors Addendum (REFA) has been prepared.

    The REFA looks at all the potential benefits and environmental impacts of the project as we build it and once it's up and running. The REFA needs to cover all scenarios, even though there will be opportunities to improve or even eliminate some of these impacts as we continue to fine-tune this project. It includes:

    • the background to this project
    • proposed construction activities, including work locations within the Riverstone and Rouse Hill Water Resource Recovery Facilities
    • Potential environmental impacts, including noise, traffic and access.

    The REFA is on display from Monday 17 June to Tuesday 9 July 2024.

    To read the REFA click through HERE

    Feedback from the community is invited during this time via email at and you can email us

    You can view and download the REFA from the Document Library.

    We will continue to engage with stakeholders and the community throughout the project, and keep you updated on work in your local area.

    If you have any questions about our plans, please come along to a community information session or attend our webinar in the coming weeks. We’d love to hear your thoughts – check out the timetable below.

    Attend a community event

    We’re hosting two community events to share more about our plans.

    Online information session

    6 – 7 pm, Thursday, 27 June – register here to attend:

    Community information session:

    10 am – 2 pm, Saturday 29 June

    Carmel Village, Windsor Rd, Box Hill

    If you are unable to attend these sessions you can contact our team by emailing or by calling 1800 560 682.

  • Castle Hill - Upgrades REF Addendum and project update

    Share Castle Hill - Upgrades REF Addendum and project update on Facebook Share Castle Hill - Upgrades REF Addendum and project update on Twitter Share Castle Hill - Upgrades REF Addendum and project update on Linkedin Email Castle Hill - Upgrades REF Addendum and project update link

    In September 2023, we began main construction of the compliance upgrade. You might have noticed some changes recently as we finish major earthworks. We've cleared away some vegetation, taken down old buildings, emptied a lagoon and reshaped the land to get ready for the next stage of construction. While emptying the lagoon we unexpectedly found, cleaned and released a group of over 80 Eastern Long-necked Turtles, native to Australia and known scientifically as Chelodina longicollis! Read about it in our newsletter sidebar to the right.

    Our contractor Abergeldie Complex Infrastructure will soon start the structural works phase, laying the foundations for the new facility. During this time, you might notice:

    • some noise and vibration from construction

    • increased vehicle and truck movements to and from the site on Wrights Road

    • increased number of workers vehicles parking on Wrights Road.

    Notification of vegetation removal

    To ensure the structural works proceed safely, we’ll be widening the entrance to the site to accommodate large vehicles like trucks. This means, on week of 10 June 2024 we will start vegetation removal along the site’s western boundary, weather permitting.

    These changes are outlined in the Addendum Review of Environmental Factors which can be found in the sidebar to the right.

    We understand the importance of preserving the environment, so any necessary vegetation removal will be done carefully. After construction is finished, we’ll replant vegetation onsite and offsite, following Sydney Water’s guidelines.

    We will do our best to minimise the impacts and continue to keep you updated. Our work hours are between 7am and 6pm, Monday to Friday and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. Where work may be required outside of these hours, we will notify affected residents before the work.

    To find out more on the project

    Newsletter – read our latest community update.

    Email –

    Phone – 1800 560 682

  • Riverstone and Rouse Hill - Growth

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    In 2022 we publicly displayed a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) outlining our plans, including to build a pipeline.

    We had originally planned to build a new pipeline to transfer partially treated wastewater from Castle Hill WRRF to Rouse Hill WRRF, and from Rouse Hill WRRF to Riverstone WRRF for further treatment.

    Sydney Water and the NWHA have refined these plans and have made some changes to the proposed designs. Most of these won’t have a substantial change in how the project impacts the community. One of the key changes is that we are now proposing to use a more efficient process called carbonisation to treat and reuse biosolids (a by-product of the current treatment process) at Riverstone WRRF.

    Using this new technology means we won’t need to build the new pipeline to connect the Castle Hill, Rouse Hill and Riverstone WRRFs.

    To provide the community with more detail on the proposed changes, a Review of Environmental Factors

    Addendum (REFA) has been prepared and will be on public display from 17 June 2024 until 9 July 2024 – to learn more, visit the page[FT1] .

    Key dates:

    17 June to 9 July 2024 Review of Environmental Factors Addendum

    July 2024: Site mobilisation and early work to start

    Late 2024: Growth Upgrade construction starts

  • Rouse Hill - Upgrades

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    At Rouse Hill, we are currently increasing the inlet capacity and upgrading equipment at the facility to help improve water quality, odour and cater for growth in the area.

  • Castle Hill - Upgrades

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    We’re upgrading Castle Hill WRRF – work is ongoing and is expected to be completed in 2025. This work includes:

    • replacing and upgrading equipment to improve water quality, and odour, and reduce noise
    • new facility buildings
    • minor extensions to the current fence line
    • an additional treated water discharge main to Cattai Creek
    • a new high voltage electricity line to connect into the facility.

    Our work hours are between 7am and 6pm, Monday to Friday and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. Where work may be required outside of these hours, we will notify affected residents before the work.

    For information on our work at Castle Hill, read our latest community update here.

  • Environmental assessment update for Castle Hill Water Resource Recovery Facility

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    The environmental assessment for the Castle Hill Water Resource Recovery Facility upgrade work was completed in 2021 and the decision to support the project was made in January 2022.

    Since then, the project has been changed slightly and an extra environmental assessment was completed covering:

    • Works around installing a high voltage power cable
    • Changing the location of the high voltage switch room
    • Removing the water from and filling in a lagoon no longer required on site.

    Most of the work will happen within the existing facility, with some in the area surrounding the facility (while still remaining on Sydney Water property). Some of the work may impact local residents and visitors to the walking and cycling track, including:

    • Noise from construction – this will be temporary only and will fluctuate based on the program of work
    • Careful vegetation removal and trimming - some additional vegetation removal cannot be avoided as part of this extra work. We will make sure that appropriate actions are in place to ensure safety of wildlife, and plant replacement trees and shrubs towards the end of the project.
    • Working on the lagoon may generate some odours, which is unlikely to impact local residents, however, we will be closely monitoring odour and dust during these work activities.

    Read the full Review of Environmental Factors Addendum here.

Page last updated: 28 Jan 2025, 02:55 PM