Our work at Oswalds Scholes Reserve - Preddys Street, Bexley North
We’re working to improve the health of local waterways.
We have been working with Bayside Council to identify options for improving the waterway health at Bardwell Creek.
We have finalised our concept design and plan to install a stormwater quality improvement devices (SQIDs) in Oswald Scholes Reserve, between Preddys Road and Coveney Street, Bexley North. See Map for details.
This device is designed to catch solids so they can be removed from the water. In the past 20 years, we've installed 70 SQIDs. These devices have helped remove over 35,000 cubic metres of litter and organic waste as well as 39,000 tonnes of sediment from stormwater before it reaches Sydney’s waterways.
We are currently in the planning phase for this work with project expected to commence between 2026 to 2030. However we wanted to highlight this project to you and provide you with some information.
What to expect:
- Sydney Water contractors may be on site to carry out further geotechnical investigation work.
- The SQID will be located below ground and will have a cover, once installed it will only be visible when standing near the device.
- There will be increased noise and traffic during the construction – this will be temporary.
- An access driveway will be built on the reserve to allow trucks to enter the reserve to empty the device from litter and for maintenance work.
- Litter collected by the SQID will be emptied by trucks on a monthly basis.
- The Bus stop on Preddys Road may need to be relocated by a few metres, this is to be confirmed.
If you would like to provide feedback or require any further information regarding this work, please contact waterwayhealth@sydneywater.com.au or call 1800 006 113 (option 6).