Our Work at Johnstons Creek - at Federal Park and Bicentennial Park, Rozelle
We have finalised our preliminary concept design and plan to install a stormwater quality improvement device (SQID) near Johnstons Creek and Rozelle Bay. See Map for details.
This device is designed to catch debris so it can be removed from the waterway. In the past 30 years, we've installed 70 SQIDs. These devices have helped remove over 35,000 cubic metres of litter and organic waste as well as 39,000 tonnes of sediment from stormwater before it reaches Sydney’s waterways.
We are currently in the planning phase for this work and this project. We expect this project to be constructed sometime between 2025-2030. We will update the community before work begins.
What to expect:
- The SQID will be located on the water and attached to the retaining walls at BiCentennial Park and Federal Park
- The SQID collects solid debris from Johnstons Creek .
- When the SQID is full, debris will be visible. Debris from the SQID will be collected by boat on a regular scheduled basis.
If you would like to provide feedback or require any further information regarding this work, please contact waterwayhealth@sydneywater.com.au or call 1800 006 113 (option 6).