Changed traffic conditions in Cecil Hills
Before construction of the new pipeline starts in Lancaster Avenue and Balmoral Circuit, we will complete investigation work to confirm ground conditions and locate underground services, trim trees and set up a temporary site compound in the reserve off Lancaster Avenue.
This work will start on Thursday 18 February 2021 and is expected to take three weeks to complete, weather permitting.
Starting in mid-March 2021, we will be drilling underneath the road to construct the pipeline on Lancaster Avenue from Feodore Drive. This work will be finished by the end of May 2021, weather permitting.
There will be changed traffic conditions as we work in Lancaster Avenue and Balmoral Circuit. Local access will be maintained, however there may be some delays. Pedestrian access will be maintained.
The bus stop (ID 217144) on the western side of Lancaster Avenue will be temporarily relocated from Monday 8 March until late-June 2021. Signs will be placed at the impacted bus stop advising of the change.
Our work hours will be from 7 am to 6 pm Monday to Friday and 8 am to 1 pm on Saturdays. We will not work on Sundays or public holidays.