Prospect South to Macarthur (ProMac)
Under the ProMac project we are building new drinking water pipelines and infrastructure between Prospect South and Macarthur as part of Sydney Water's long-term plan to extend the city’s water capacity and supply.
ProMac will upgrade our existing water reservoirs at Liverpool, Cecil Park and Currans Hill as well as build two new reservoirs at Oran Park. This will allow for an extra 100 Megalitres of additional reservoir capacity in Western Sydney. That’s the equivalent of about 50 Olympic-sized swimming pools!
We’re also building 15 km of additional pipework, three pumping stations and upgrading our existing network to ensure growing communities in South Western Sydney have access to clean drinking water.
Sydney Water is investing in new infrastructure that will support the growing, dynamic South Western Sydney.
ProMac will help Sydney Water deliver on its vision of creating a better life with world-class water services.
Under the ProMac project we are building new drinking water pipelines and infrastructure between Prospect South and Macarthur as part of Sydney Water's long-term plan to extend the city’s water capacity and supply.
ProMac will upgrade our existing water reservoirs at Liverpool, Cecil Park and Currans Hill as well as build two new reservoirs at Oran Park. This will allow for an extra 100 Megalitres of additional reservoir capacity in Western Sydney. That’s the equivalent of about 50 Olympic-sized swimming pools!
We’re also building 15 km of additional pipework, three pumping stations and upgrading our existing network to ensure growing communities in South Western Sydney have access to clean drinking water.
Sydney Water is investing in new infrastructure that will support the growing, dynamic South Western Sydney.
ProMac will help Sydney Water deliver on its vision of creating a better life with world-class water services.
Construction Christmas shut down | 2024 - 2025
Share Construction Christmas shut down | 2024 - 2025 on Facebook Share Construction Christmas shut down | 2024 - 2025 on Twitter Share Construction Christmas shut down | 2024 - 2025 on Linkedin Email Construction Christmas shut down | 2024 - 2025 linkConstruction Christmas Shut Down period
Our teams will be off site from Friday 20 December 2024 and will resume work on Monday 6 January 2025.
From the Sydney Water, we wish you a joyous and happy holiday season.
Elizabeth Drive and Martin Road update | December 2024
Share Elizabeth Drive and Martin Road update | December 2024 on Facebook Share Elizabeth Drive and Martin Road update | December 2024 on Twitter Share Elizabeth Drive and Martin Road update | December 2024 on Linkedin Email Elizabeth Drive and Martin Road update | December 2024 linkSydney Water has been working to expand our network to meet increased demands from growth in Southwest Sydney, ensuring our existing and future customers continue to have reliable access to clean drinking water.
To service the ongoing development within Western Sydney including the Western Sydney Airport (WSA), a new drinking water pipeline has now been laid from Western Road through Overett Avenue, Kemps Creek. The pipeline crossed under South Creek continuing up to and along Martin Road, crossing Elizabeth Drive onto the WSA site at Badgerys Creek.
Some additional construction work along Elizabeth Drive is still being undertaken. Particularly that of a valve arrangement near the intersection of Elizabeth Drive and Badgerys Creek Road, there will be no disruption to road users. Remaining work along Martin Road is also nearing completion with temporary restoration work planned before the shutdown on Friday 20th December 2024.
Reporting water faults or leaks
For water faults or leakages click here or call 13 20 90Thank you for your patience
We know our work can be disruptive, we extend our appreciation for your cooperation and patience as we complete this vital infrastructure. -
Thank you | Currans Hill community
Share Thank you | Currans Hill community on Facebook Share Thank you | Currans Hill community on Twitter Share Thank you | Currans Hill community on Linkedin Email Thank you | Currans Hill community linkSydney Water has a long-term plan to increase resilience in our network and extend the city’s water capacity and supply. As part of the Prospect South to Macarthur (ProMac) program, since 2020 Sydney Water have constructed 22km of water trunk mains, 3 pump stations, 4 new reservoirs, 5 rechlorination plants (RCP) and rebuilt the reservoir at Currans Hill.
We are pleased to advise the 6 megalitre reservoir project at Currans Hill is complete and now in operation, providing essential drinking water to the Macarthur community. Our contractors have demobilised from the site with only minor restoration work around the site to continue in November and December, followed by general maintenance.
Sydney Water and its contractors extend their heartfelt thanks to the Currans Hill community for your patience and cooperation during this crucial project, especially to those residents on Manooka Road. We also appreciate the broader Currans Hill community residing on the route taken for the delivery of the stair tower, and the out-of-hours work that was necessary.
We recognise the inconvenience these operations can cause and are grateful for your support. Sydney Water would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families well for the upcoming festive season and new year.
Stay safe and be water wise. -
Oran Park Reservoir update | November 2024
Share Oran Park Reservoir update | November 2024 on Facebook Share Oran Park Reservoir update | November 2024 on Twitter Share Oran Park Reservoir update | November 2024 on Linkedin Email Oran Park Reservoir update | November 2024 linkSydney Water has a long-term plan to increase resilience in our network and extend the city’s water capacity and supply. As part of the Prospect South to Macarthur (ProMac) program we have now completed construction of two 24 megalitre drinking water reservoirs at Oxley Ridge Cobbitty, (Oran Park Reservoirs).
The final preparations for filling the reservoirs and demobilising from site is now underway. Testing, cleaning and disinfection of the reservoirs is currently occurring on site to enable the reservoirs to be filled with clean drinking water. Minor civil and restoration work is also being undertaken around the site and will continue into 2025.
Reservoirs out of hours work - 24 / 7
From Wednesday, 4 December 2024 to Friday, 20 December 2024 we will commence filling the two reservoirs. Filling will be assisted by the booster pump located on the corner of The Northern Road and Brunsdon Road, Cobbitty (corner of Oxley Ridge Estate.)
Christmas Shut Down Period Our reservoir construction team will close the reservoir site from 20 December 2024 to 5 January 2025, resuming work on 6 January 2025. No work will occur during this time.
While we do our best to minimise the impact on the community, we do appreciate the work we do can impact some more than others. We thank the Oxley Ridge and Oran Park communities for your patience and cooperation as we build this critical infrastructure.
We take this opportunity to wish all of the community a safe, healthy and happy holiday season. -
Thank you | Cecil Hills community
Share Thank you | Cecil Hills community on Facebook Share Thank you | Cecil Hills community on Twitter Share Thank you | Cecil Hills community on Linkedin Email Thank you | Cecil Hills community linkSydney Water has a long-term plan to increase resilience in our network and extend the city’s water capacity and supply.
As part of the Prospect South to Macarthur (ProMac) program we have finished constructing a new drinking water pipeline, new reservoir, pump station and re-chlorination plant (RCP) at Cecil Hills to service the Liverpool area.
We are pleased to advise the landscaping and restoration work on the Liverpool pump station (Cecil Hills) site is finished. The landscaping contractor will maintain the site to ensure the grasses and saplings planted thrive. Mowing and weed maintenance will be ongoing by the Sydney Water team.
Sydney Water takes this opportunity to sincerely thank the Cecil Hills community for your patience and cooperation while we undertook this vital work. Particularly those residents bordering our site in Stein Place, Davina Crescent, Earl Place, Edinburgh Circuit, and Louise Place.
Important information for residents of Badgerys Creek and surrounding areas
Share Important information for residents of Badgerys Creek and surrounding areas on Facebook Share Important information for residents of Badgerys Creek and surrounding areas on Twitter Share Important information for residents of Badgerys Creek and surrounding areas on Linkedin Email Important information for residents of Badgerys Creek and surrounding areas linkSydney Water Corporation (Sydney Water) is working to expand our network to meet increased demands from growth in South West Sydney, ensuring our existing and future customers continue to have reliable access to clean drinking water.
To service the ongoing development within Western Sydney including the Western Sydney Airport (WSA), a new trunk water main is being constructed from Western Road, along Overett Avenue under South Creek to Martin Road and onto the WSA site at Badgerys Creek, along Elizabeth Drive.
Work is about to commence on the eastern verge of Martin Road, near the intersection of Elizabeth Drive at 10 Martin Road. This will involve the construction of a microtunnel pit. To avoid road closures and maximise the safety of our construction team we will be working nights and all-day Saturday and Sunday this week.
Upcoming work - out of hours.
Monday 19 August to Saturday 24 August 9pm–5am (Night crew)
Saturday 24 August and Sunday 25 August. 7am–8pm (Day crew)
Our standard work hours are:
Monday to Friday 7am - 6pm
Saturday 8am - 1pm
This work will involve:
- Construction of the microtunnel receival pit.
- Positioning of pipes along roadside verge on Martin Road.
- Excavating machinery, trucks and other heavy equipment will be in the area.
- Lighting and safety controls will be in place. Traffic control measures will also be in place.
- We do predict this work to be noisy and every effort will be made to minimise disruptions to the area.
Sydney Water has engaged ACCIONA as Delivery Partner and representatives of Sydney Water. Athassel Civil Pty Ltd is the principle contractor for this work. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact our Community Engagement Manager, Julie Adams, ( 1800 678 098).
Construction managers and community liaison personnel are on site, please feel free to approach them should you need any assistance during construction hours. We request road users and residents to observe construction zone speed limits to assist with the safety of our construction crews.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this important work.
Currans Hill Reservoir update
Share Currans Hill Reservoir update on Facebook Share Currans Hill Reservoir update on Twitter Share Currans Hill Reservoir update on Linkedin Email Currans Hill Reservoir update linkFurther to our notification in July, we can now confirm the four sections of the stair tower for the Currans Hill Reservoir will arrive on Monday 19 August at 5am.
As the stair tower is ‘oversize’, two 40 foot semi-trailers are required to deliver it to site outside peak hours to minimise impacts on traffic. Four ‘wide load’ escort vehicles will also accompany the semi- trailers.
An approved traffic route issued by Camden Council is included for your reference. All appropriate out of hours permits have been lodged and approved by Transport for NSW and Sydney Water.
We ask all residents who live on the approved route to consider the following on Sunday (18 August) night:
• Avoid street parking where possible.
• Street parking should avoid vehicles parking opposite (parallel) another vehicle. As mentioned, the two trucks are wide loads, two vehicles parked on either side of the road will prevent the trucks access. Please stagger vehicles or park on the same side of the road. Particularly those residents in Manooka Road.
Out of Hours delivery:
• The complexities of this delivery requires an out of hours delivery to site in Manooka Road at 5am. Residents in Manooka Road may notice some noise associated with the trucks arrival and delivery to site. We will do our best to minimise noise and light disturbances.
• Site managers will be placing traffic cones where possible along the route on Sunday evening to avoid cars parking in those areas. Please do not remove these cones and make alternative arrangements to park your vehicle.
Where do I get more information and help?
If you would like to know more, please contact our community engagement team on 1800 678098, email us at or visit\ProMac.. For 24-hour service difficulties or emergencies, please call Sydney Water on 13 20 90.
Important information for Currans Hill residents
Share Important information for Currans Hill residents on Facebook Share Important information for Currans Hill residents on Twitter Share Important information for Currans Hill residents on Linkedin Email Important information for Currans Hill residents linkSydney Water is working to expand our network to meet increased demands from growth in South West Sydney, ensuring our existing and future customers continue to have reliable access to clean drinking water.
As part of the Prospect to Macarthur (ProMac) project we have been replacing the old reservoir (off Manooka Road) in Currans Hill, including associated pipework and connections so that it may reliably supply water to the community for decades to come.
We are pleased to advise work at the Currans Hill reservoir is nearing completion. The painting and blasting of the reservoir is finished, as are civil works required for the installation of the stair tower.
The next major milestone is the delivery of the stair tower. This will arrive on a 40 foot semi-trailer across four separate deliveries. The stair tower will be “oversize” on the semi-trailer so will have a “wide load” escort vehicle accompanying it. This will occur the week beginning 22 July until mid August 2024. Specific dates and times are to be confirmed, this notice is to inform the community in advance and to advise you there may be further information with short notice.
An approved traffic route issued by Camden Council is included for your reference.
We encourage those residents who live on this route to consider the following:
- Avoid street parking where possible.
- Any street parking should avoid parking opposite (parallel) another vehicle. The truck is a wide load, two vehicles parked on either side of the road may prevent the trucks access. Please stagger vehicles or park on the same side of the road.
- Those residents on the transport route please register your email with us ( to allow us to provide more information on times and dates of this delivery.
Our standard work hours:
- 7:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday to Friday
- 8:00 am to 1:00 pm Saturday. We will not work public holidays.
Out of Hours delivery:
- The complexities of this delivery may require out of hours delivery to site. We will inform residents on the transport route more details in the coming weeks if this is required.
Where do I get more information and help?
If you would like to know more, please contact our community engagement team on 1800 678098, email us at or visit\ProMac. If you need to make special arrangements with us, please reach out so we can work with you. For 24-hour service difficulties or emergencies, please call Sydney Water on 13 20 90.
Update on works - Currans Hill Reservoir
Share Update on works - Currans Hill Reservoir on Facebook Share Update on works - Currans Hill Reservoir on Twitter Share Update on works - Currans Hill Reservoir on Linkedin Email Update on works - Currans Hill Reservoir linkSydney Water is working to expand our network to meet increased demands from growth in South West Sydney, ensuring our existing and future customers continue to have reliable access to clean drinking water. As part of the Prospect to Macarthur (ProMac) project we have replaced the reservoir in Currans Hill so that it can reliably supply water to the community for decades to come.
At the Currans Hill Reservoir we are nearing completion and are in the final stages of blasting and painting, installing the stair tower and civil works. You will begin to see an increase in traffic as we finalise construction and demobilise from the site. We will continue to update you on our progress and further scheduled work.
Upcoming work:
Previous out of hours work permits expired in May. As our work is nearing completion, to meet critical milestones we will be working outside regular hours on Saturdays from 7am to 5pm. Commencing Saturday 29 June 2024 until Saturday 7 September 2024,
Our standard work hours:
- 7:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday to Friday.
- 8:00 am to 1:00 pm Saturday.
This work will involve:
- Abrasive blasting of tank shell during standard hours.
- Painting of tank shell during extended Saturday hours.
- Reservoir completion general work.
What you need to know:
Thank you for your support and patience during this essential work. We know our work can be disruptive, so we’ll make every effort to reduce any impact this work may have on you. To help minimise the impact the following is being implemented.
- Scheduling painting for hours 1-5pm Saturday. Painting deemed the least noisy activity.
- Switching off all truck radios (commercial) upon arrival at site and use truck communication radios with truck cabin windows and doors closed.
- No unnecessary loud noises (e.g.talking loudly, slamming doors).
- Arranging the work site to minimise the use of movement alarms on vehicles and mobile plant equipment and keep truck reversing to a minimum.
- Taking extra care to minimise noise while loading or unloading trucks with materials or equipment (e.g.avoid dropping materials from height and metal to metal contact).
- Turning off plant and equipment that is not being used and don’t leave trucks idling near homes.
Update on Works - Oran Park Reservoirs
Share Update on Works - Oran Park Reservoirs on Facebook Share Update on Works - Oran Park Reservoirs on Twitter Share Update on Works - Oran Park Reservoirs on Linkedin Email Update on Works - Oran Park Reservoirs linkSydney Water is working to expand our network to meet increased demands from growth in South West Sydney, ensuring our existing and future customers continue to have reliable access to clean drinking water.
As part of the Prospect to Macarthur (ProMac) program we are building two new water reservoirs in Oran Park to provide drinking water services for 84,000 new homes in the South West Growth Area, Western Sydney Aerotropolis Growth Area, Liverpool CBD and Menangle Park.
Upcoming work
Our contractor CB&I Australia are currently constructing two 24ML steel reservoirs at Oran Park. To meet critical project milestones, we will have equipment running at night from Friday 28 June 2024 through to Sunday 29 September 2024, weather permitting. This equipment will continue to run from 6pm through to 8am, 7 days a week.
Equipment at Night
- A dehumidifier and generator will be located on the site surrounded by a Sonic Quilt Noise Blanket to reduce any noise impact. This equipment is required to support painting activities being undertaken throughout winter and spring.
Construction traffic and impacts
- Light and heavy vehicles will continue to enter and exit the site via access off The Northern Road. Use of the Southern Access Road off Brundson Road will be avoided during out of hours work where practical. Refer to map overleaf.
- Parking of light and heavy vehicles will be confined to the construction site.
What you need to know
- The running of this equipment is not expected to be disruptive.
Standard work hours
- 7am to 6pm Monday to Friday
- 8am to 1pm Saturday. We will not work on Public Holidays.
Who's Listening
Community Engagement Team
Phone 1800 678 098 Email
Photo Gallery
Cecil Hills
Cecil Hills ProMac Newsletter - May 2020 (918 KB) (pdf)
Cecil Hills ProMac Newsletter - December 2020 (783 KB) (pdf)
Cecil Hills ProMac Newsletter - February 2021 (593 KB) (pdf)
Cecil Hills ProMac Newsletter - June 2021 (1.03 MB) (pdf)
Cecil Hills ProMac Newsletter - September 2021 (516 KB) (pdf)
Cecil Hills ProMac Newsletter - December 2021 (471 KB) (pdf)
Cecil Hills ProMac Newsletter - November 2022.pdf (335 KB) (pdf)
Cecil Hills ProMac Newsletter - April 2023 (404 KB) (pdf)
Cecil Hills ProMac Newsletter - August 2023 (434 KB) (pdf)
Kemps Creek
Narellan South, Mount Annan, Bradbury, Menangle Park, Spring Farm and Currans Hill
Narellan South / Mount Annan ProMac Newsletter - March 2021 (484 KB) (pdf)
Bradbury ProMac Newsletter - March 2021 (494 KB) (pdf)
Mount Annan / Menangle Park / Currans Hill ProMac Newsletter - October 2021 (625 KB) (pdf)
Mount Annan / Menangle Park / Spring Farm ProMac Newsletter - December 2021 (481 KB) (pdf)
Mount Annan / Menangle Park / Spring Farm / Currans Hill ProMac Newsletter - November 2022.pdf (816 KB) (pdf)
Bradbury ProMac Newsletter - December 2022 (420 KB) (pdf)
Mount Annan / Currans Hill ProMac Newsletter - April 2023 (337 KB) (pdf)
Mount Annan/Currans Hill ProMac Newsletter - August 2023 (798 KB) (pdf)
Oran Park and Harrington Park
Oran Park / Harrington Park ProMac Newsletter - September 2021 (854 KB) (pdf)
Oran Park / Harrington Park ProMac Newsletter - December 2021 (398 KB) (pdf)
Oran Park / Harrington Park ProMac Newsletter - May 2022 (361 KB) (pdf)
Oran Park / Harrington Park ProMac Newsletter - December 2022.pdf (517 KB) (pdf)
Oran Park / Harrington Park ProMac Newsletter - April 2023.pdf (427 KB) (pdf)
Oran Park / Harrington Park ProMac Newsletter - August 2023 (522 KB) (pdf)