Prospect South to Macarthur (ProMac)
Under the ProMac project we are building new drinking water pipelines and infrastructure between Prospect South and Macarthur as part of Sydney Water's long-term plan to extend the city’s water capacity and supply.
ProMac will upgrade our existing water reservoirs at Liverpool, Cecil Park and Currans Hill as well as build two new reservoirs at Oran Park. This will allow for an extra 100 Megalitres of additional reservoir capacity in Western Sydney. That’s the equivalent of about 50 Olympic-sized swimming pools!
We’re also building 15 km of additional pipework, three pumping stations and upgrading our existing network to ensure growing communities in South Western Sydney have access to clean drinking water.
Sydney Water is investing in new infrastructure that will support the growing, dynamic South Western Sydney.
ProMac will help Sydney Water deliver on its vision of creating a better life with world-class water services.
Under the ProMac project we are building new drinking water pipelines and infrastructure between Prospect South and Macarthur as part of Sydney Water's long-term plan to extend the city’s water capacity and supply.
ProMac will upgrade our existing water reservoirs at Liverpool, Cecil Park and Currans Hill as well as build two new reservoirs at Oran Park. This will allow for an extra 100 Megalitres of additional reservoir capacity in Western Sydney. That’s the equivalent of about 50 Olympic-sized swimming pools!
We’re also building 15 km of additional pipework, three pumping stations and upgrading our existing network to ensure growing communities in South Western Sydney have access to clean drinking water.
Sydney Water is investing in new infrastructure that will support the growing, dynamic South Western Sydney.
ProMac will help Sydney Water deliver on its vision of creating a better life with world-class water services.
Update on works - Harrington Park Pump Station
Share Update on works - Harrington Park Pump Station on Facebook Share Update on works - Harrington Park Pump Station on Twitter Share Update on works - Harrington Park Pump Station on Linkedin Email Update on works - Harrington Park Pump Station linkSydney Water is working to expand our network to meet increased demands from growth in South West Sydney.
As part of the Prospect to Macarthur (ProMac) program we are building two new water reservoirs in Oran Park to provide drinking water services for 84,000 new homes in the South West Growth Area, Western Sydney Aerotropolis Growth Area, Liverpool CBD and Menangle Park.
When completed these reservoirs will be connected to the Harrington Park Pump Station ensuring our existing and future customers continue to have reliable access to clean drinking water. We thank you for your patience and cooperation as we complete this critical infrastructure.
Upcoming work
Sydney Water is currently working with Endeavour Energy to energise the water pumping station. To meet critical project milestones and ensure the safe transition of the power supply we will be working outside standard hours Saturday 29 June 2024, 1pm – 5pm and Sunday 30 June 2024, 7am – 10.30 am.
Standard work hours:
- 7am to 6pm Monday to Friday
- 8am to 1pm Saturday
This work will involve:
- Light vehicle movements.
- Light tools and generators in use.
Construction traffic and impacts:
- The works are not expected to impact the current motorists, cyclists or pedestrians on the Northern Road or nearby housing estates.
What you need to know:
We know our work can be disruptive at times so we’ll make every effort to minimise disturbances by:
- Turning off all vehicles when not in use.
- Completing the noisiest work during standard hours.
Upcoming work Badgerys Creek and Kemps Creek.
Share Upcoming work Badgerys Creek and Kemps Creek. on Facebook Share Upcoming work Badgerys Creek and Kemps Creek. on Twitter Share Upcoming work Badgerys Creek and Kemps Creek. on Linkedin Email Upcoming work Badgerys Creek and Kemps Creek. linkSydney Water Corporation ABN 49 776 225 038 (Sydney Water) is working to expand our network to meet increased demands from growth in South West Sydney, ensuring our existing and future customers continue to have reliable access to clean drinking water. To do this, we are planning to provide new and upgraded drinking water services to both residential and commercial areas within the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Growth Area (WSAGA).
To service the ongoing development within Western Sydney including the Western Sydney Airport (WSA), a new trunk water main has been designed to run from Western Road, Kemps Creek, to the WSA site at Badgerys Creek.
Works will include:
- Service locating the alignment to verify design information
- Installation of new DN750 watermain along Overett Avenue and Martin Road
- Horizontal Direction Drilling under South Creek and Badgerys Creek
- Micro-tunnel crossing of Elizabeth Drive.
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) early works commenced along Elizabeth Drive, Badgerys Creek in November 2023. The next stage of the project is due to commence mid May. During this time, residents in Overett Avenue and Martin Road will notice an increase in construction traffic, with traffic controls being used to ensure a safe environment for work crews and road users.
We have included below an indicative aerial map of where the pipeline will be delivered. If you have any questions or enquiries, please contact the ProMac Community Team on 1800 678 098.
Harrington Park Pump Station update
Share Harrington Park Pump Station update on Facebook Share Harrington Park Pump Station update on Twitter Share Harrington Park Pump Station update on Linkedin Email Harrington Park Pump Station update linkSince our December newsletter we have made good progress at Harrington Park Pump Station. The main focus has been on internal tasks, with electrical and cable work nearing completion, to be succeeded by HV electrical energisation and commissioning activities. Moreover, the installation of the permanent noise wall is complete, in the community favored “monument” colour has been successfully finished.
Civil works have commenced to finish the carpark and access driveways as well as landscaping at the rear of the site. Although there are remaining tasks, we anticipate completion by end May.
Landscaping plans
Planning is underway to restore this site. Once a landscaper and design is finalised we will inform the Harrington Park community accordingly.
When construction of Harrington Park Pump Station is complete, the team will leave the site until the Oran Park reservoirs are constructed. They will then return to complete the remaining commissioning activities, before bringing the station into full operation.
April Newsletter - Oran Park
Share April Newsletter - Oran Park on Facebook Share April Newsletter - Oran Park on Twitter Share April Newsletter - Oran Park on Linkedin Email April Newsletter - Oran Park linkSydney Water has a long-term plan to increase resilience in our network and extend the city’s water capacity and supply.
As part of the Prospect South to Macarthur (ProMac) program we are currently constructing two 24 megalitre water reservoirs at Oran Park and a rechlorination plant.
When complete the reservoirs will hold equivalent to 50 olympic sized swimming pools. They will be connected to the new pump station at Harrington Park to increase supply to the Macarthur region.
While we do our best to minimise the impact on the community we do appreciate the work we do can impact some more than others. We thank the Oran Park and Harrington Park communities for your patience and cooperation.
Oran Park out of hours work
As we progress tank construction we will continue to occasionally work outside of our standard hours. Standard work hours are:
7am to 6pm Monday to Friday
8am to 1pm Saturday. We will not work on Public Holidays.
Currently extended hours of operation are in place on Saturday 1pm to 6pm and Sunday, 8am to 6pm until 27 October 2024.
December Newsletter - Oran Park and Harrington Park
Share December Newsletter - Oran Park and Harrington Park on Facebook Share December Newsletter - Oran Park and Harrington Park on Twitter Share December Newsletter - Oran Park and Harrington Park on Linkedin Email December Newsletter - Oran Park and Harrington Park linkSydney Water has a long-term plan to increase resilience in our network and to extend the city’s water capacity and supply. As part of the Prospect to Macarthur (ProMac) program a new reservoir at Liverpool was constructed. Cecil Park reservoir was refurbished and upgrade works are now complete and two new reservoirs at Oran Park are under construction, to allow for a total of 100 megaliters of additional reservoir capacity. That’s equivalent to about 50 olympic-sized swimming pools!
Whilst we do our best at Sydney Water to minimise the impact on the local community, we appreciate the work we do can impact some more than others. We thank the Oran Park and Harrington Park communities for your continued support, patience and cooperation while we complete this essential work, to provide clean, reliable drinking water to the community.
Oran Park reservoir update
Since our last newsletter, principal contractor Vaughan Civil, have completed the following works at the Oran Park Reservoir site:
- Construction of two steel reinforced concrete reservoir foundations.
- Stair tower foundation.
- Installation of a piled perimeter wall.
- Pavement and sealing works.
- Topsoiling and landscaping.
A new principal contractor has been appointed,CB&I Australia, to construct the two new reservoirs. Each reservoir will hold 24 megalitres of clean drinking water and will be 21m high and 42m in diameter. The completed reservoirs will connect to the Harrington Park Pump Station.
The holiday shutdown and work resumption
Work will cease at Oran Park on Wednesday 20 December 2023 resume on Wednesday 3 January 2024. Harrington Park will cease work on Friday 22 December 2023 and resume Monday 8 January 2024. During the shutdown, all ProMac worksites will be regularly inspected to ensure temporary fencing and environmental controls are secure. If you are concerned about the condition of the site during this break, please notify the community team who will be on-call over this period.
Sydney Water would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone Season’s Greetings and all the best for a safe and happy holiday season.
Out of hours work at Oran Park reservoir
As we progress tank construction, and finalise stormwater construction we will continue to occasionally work outside of our standard hours. Standard work hours are:
- 7am to 6pm Monday to Friday
- 8am to 1pm Saturday. We will not work on Public Holidays.
From 2 December 2023 to 25 February 2024 extended hours of operation will be in place on Saturday and Sunday, 8am to 6pm. A notification regarding these works was distributed to Oxley Ridge residents on 25 November 2023.
Harrington Park, pump station update
Contractor Downer is finalising the construction of a new pump station in Harrington Park which will connect Narellan South Reservoir to Oran Park Reservoir to meet increased demands from growth in South West Sydney. Once in operation, the pump station will service surrounding suburbs between the two reservoirs.
In the past few months we have connected the station to the mains line, installed station doors and completed key mechanical and electrical works.
Works to come in 2024
- Flexible pavement and driveway construction.
- Stormwater drainage works.
- Security fence installation.
- Landscaping and site restoration.
- Construction of a 3m high noise wall.
When construction of Harrington Park Pump Station is complete, the team will leave the site until the Oran Park Reservoirs are constructed. A return to site will occur thereafter to complete the remaining commissioning activities, before bringing the station into operation.
December newsletter - Cecil Hills, Liverpool, Elizabeth Hills
Share December newsletter - Cecil Hills, Liverpool, Elizabeth Hills on Facebook Share December newsletter - Cecil Hills, Liverpool, Elizabeth Hills on Twitter Share December newsletter - Cecil Hills, Liverpool, Elizabeth Hills on Linkedin Email December newsletter - Cecil Hills, Liverpool, Elizabeth Hills linkSydney Water has a long-term plan to increase resilience in our network and to extend the city’s water capacity and supply. As part of the Prospect South to Macarthur (ProMac) program we have been constructing a new drinking water pipeline, reservoir and pump station at Cecil Hills to service the Liverpool area. On the same site we are constructing a re-chlorination plant (RCP) due for completion in 2024.
Whilst we do our best at Sydney Water to minimise the impact on the local community, we appreciate the work we do can impact some more than others. We thank the Cecil Hills community for your continued support, patience and cooperation while we complete this essential work, to provide clean, reliable drinking water to the community.
Liverpool, pump station update
Since our August update, our Principal Contractor, Service Stream, has completed the following works:
- Commissioning activities to bring the new facility into operation.
- Testing of the pumps.
- Installation of the bioretention basin.
Service Stream have now left the site as Principal Contractor. New contractor, Ferrycarrig, is currently installing the RCP and works associated with this will continue into 2024. John Holland is also undertaking works on the northern portion of the site relating to the Sydney Water Upper South Creek Pipelines.
Fun Fact!
During construction there was 3,573 tonnes of spoil removed from the site during construction.
Restoration of the site
As ProMac work comes to an end and areas are restored, we will progressively replant to filter views of the new infrastructure and return some of the bush outlook. This work is ongoing during the construction of the re-chlorination plant. Much of this work will be dependant on species availability, weather and the appropriate seasonal planting requirements. We thank you for your patience during the restoration.
Did you know!
Once complete the new pump station is capable of delivering up to 153 mega liters of
clean drinking water to the community every day.
Re-chlorination plant
To improve the management of water quality for our customers, Sydney Water is installing a small re-chlorination plant inside the Liverpool Reservoir facility at Cecil Hills. Located towards the centre of the site, the building is made offsite and delivered as a complete unit on the back of a truck and lifted into position using a crane. In preparation for this, foundations and surrounding access roads have been constructed. This work began in September 2023 along with installation of electrical provisions and control cabling and is expected to be completed by early to mid-2024.
A re-chlorination plant automates the dosing and monitoring of chlorine into the adjacent reservoirs. The building will not be noisy when operational.
The holiday shutdown and work resumption
Work will cease on Friday 22 December 2023 and resume on Monday 8 January 2024. During the shutdown, all ProMac worksites will be regularly inspected to ensure temporary fencing and environmental controls are secure. If you are concerned about the condition of the site during this break, please notify the community team who will be on-call over this period.
Sydney Water would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone Season’s Greetings and all the best for a safe and happy holiday season.
December Newsletter - Currans Hill Reservoir
Share December Newsletter - Currans Hill Reservoir on Facebook Share December Newsletter - Currans Hill Reservoir on Twitter Share December Newsletter - Currans Hill Reservoir on Linkedin Email December Newsletter - Currans Hill Reservoir linkSydney Water has a long-term plan to increase resilience in our network and to extend the city’s water capacity and supply. As part of the Prospect South to Macarthur (ProMac) program we have been constructing a new reservoir in Currans Hill.
Whilst we do our best at Sydney Water to minimise the impact on the local community, we appreciate the work we do can impact some more than others. We thank the Currans Hill community for your continued support, patience and cooperation while we complete this essential work, providing clean, reliable drinking water to the community.
Currans Hill, reservoir update
Our Principal Contractor, Brockman Engineering, has been working hard to complete the Currans Hill reservoir since our August update. The reservoir is nearing completion and will be introduced into the Sydney Water network soon to further bolster water supply in the area.
Progress works have included:
- Completion of the reservoir structure.
- Installation of the roof.
- Dismantling the temporary stair platform and preparing foundations for the permanent stair structure.
- Dismantling and removing the crane affectionately named by the local pre-school children as “Pebbles”.
- Blasting the internal reservoir walls and removing the temporary coating for surface protection application.
- Application of epoxy paint to interior of reservoir to ensure years of service to the community.
Fun Fact!
It may not look like it from a distance, but this reservoir is as large in diameter as it is high (21m).
Did you know?
The inside of the tank is blasted using a magnetic robotic unit remotely driven on the interior of the reservoir, blasting the surface back to a white metal profile in preparation for the interior coating.
Works to come in 2024
The main reservoir structure is nearing completion, with only minor works taking place in 2024. These include delivery and construction of the permanent stair tower and installation of access roof hatches. As works progress to the commissioning phase, the contractor will demobilise the plant and equipment from site. The site will then be restored which includes minor restoration works on access ways and roads.
The holiday shutdown and work resumption
Work will cease at the Currans Hill site from Friday 22 December 2023 and resume on Monday 8 January 2024. During the shutdown, all ProMac worksites will be regularly inspected to ensure temporary fencing and environmental controls are secure.
If you are concerned about the condition of the site during the shutdown, please notify the community team who will be on-call over this period.
Sydney Water would like to extend to everyone Season’s Greetings and all the best for a safe and happy holiday season.
Oran Park Reservoirs - Extended working hours
Share Oran Park Reservoirs - Extended working hours on Facebook Share Oran Park Reservoirs - Extended working hours on Twitter Share Oran Park Reservoirs - Extended working hours on Linkedin Email Oran Park Reservoirs - Extended working hours linkSydney Water is working to expand our network to meet increased demands from growth in South West Sydney, ensuring our existing and future customers continue to have reliable access to clean drinking water.
As part of the Prospect to Macarthur (ProMac) program we are building two new water reservoirs in Oran Park to provide drinking water services for 84,000 new homes in the South West Growth Area, Western Sydney Aerotropolis Growth Area, Liverpool CBD and Menangle Park.
Upcoming work
Our contractor CB&I Australia are commencing construction of two 24ML steel reservoirs at Oran Park. To meet critical project milestones, we will be working extended weekend hours between Saturday 2 December 2023 and Sunday 25 February 2024 (inclusive). In addition to our standard work hours, this will involve working between 8am and 6pm Saturday and Sunday, weather permitting.
Standard work hours
7am to 6pm Monday to Friday
8am to 1pm Saturday. We will not work on Public Holidays.
This work will involve:
Operation of plant and equipment to support construction of the two steel reservoirs
Use of welding equipment, hand and power tools to fabricate steel reservoirs
Crane lifts
Construction traffic and impacts
Light and heavy vehicles will continue to enter and exit the site via access off The Northern Road.
Use of the Southern Access Road off Brundson Road will be avoided during out of hours work where practical.
Parking of light and heavy vehicles will be confined to the construction site.
What you need to know
We know our work can be disruptive, so we’ll make every effort to reduce impact by:
Switching vehicles and machinery off when not in use
Placing operating plant or equipment away from the southern section of the site where possible
Prioritise higher noise emitting activities during normal hours wherever practical
Construction works on the Oran Park site will not occur between Thursday 21 December 2023 through to Tuesday 2 January 2024.
Currans Hill - project update and site demobilisation
Share Currans Hill - project update and site demobilisation on Facebook Share Currans Hill - project update and site demobilisation on Twitter Share Currans Hill - project update and site demobilisation on Linkedin Email Currans Hill - project update and site demobilisation linkFrom now through to mid December the site will be demobilised in preparation for the commissioning of the site i.e. filling the reservoir. Residents in the area may notice an increase in activity on and around the site during this period. We will continue to let you know if any of this work will have an impact on residents. In addition, we will also contact residents directly who have requested Sydney Water do so regarding upcoming works.
Upcoming work
As we enter the final stages of the works on the new reservoir in Currans Hill there will be an increase in construction traffic coming in and out of the site. Traffic will continue to use the heavy vehicle route approved by Camden Council, via Turner Road, Ascot Drive and Manooka Road (refer map below).
This work will involve:
- The demobilisation and removal of the large crane (affectionately named “Pebbles” by the local pre-school earlier this year) from the site. Due to the size of the crane a large float is required for its transport, this will enter the housing estate from Turner Road during day time hours. Residents can expect some short-term local road closures and traffic provisions in place along the route shown in the below image. We request that any traffic control measures e.g. cones, signs etc. are not moved during this period.
- Construction of the permanent access stair tower will commence late October and painting of the reservoir is ongoing through to late November, which may increase traffic volumes in the area.
- The final stages of structure testing will commence 1st November and will last approximately six weeks. Residents may notice these works occurring between 6:00pm and 10:00pm. However, this is considered low impact work with no use of heavy plant or equipment. We expect no disturbance to local residents,
Our standard work hours
- 7:00am to 6:00pm Monday to Friday
- 8:00am to 5:00pm Saturday
Harrington Park - upcoming out of hours work within the Sydney Water Harrington Park Pumping Station site
Share Harrington Park - upcoming out of hours work within the Sydney Water Harrington Park Pumping Station site on Facebook Share Harrington Park - upcoming out of hours work within the Sydney Water Harrington Park Pumping Station site on Twitter Share Harrington Park - upcoming out of hours work within the Sydney Water Harrington Park Pumping Station site on Linkedin Email Harrington Park - upcoming out of hours work within the Sydney Water Harrington Park Pumping Station site linkAs part of the Prospect to Macarthur (ProMac) project, we are building a new water pumping station in Harrington Park.
Between May and June 2022, we completed two new water main connections which will eventually connect to the live and existing Sydney Water network.
Upcoming work
We are now ready to complete the final stage of connections. This will occur inside the Sydney Water Harrington Park Pumping Station site along The Northern Road. In addition to our standard work hours, we will be:
- working extended hours on Saturday 21 October 2023, between 7:00am and 5:00pm, to prepare for the upcoming water main connection.
- working outside of standard work hours across 72-hours, commencing from 6:00 pm Wednesday 25 October until 7:00 am Friday 27 October 2023, weather permitting.
Standard work hours
- 7 am to 6 pm Monday to Friday
- 8 am to 1 pm Saturday.
This work will involve
- noise from trucks and machinery with reversing beepers. Some noise is to be expected after midnight
- cutting, welding and lifting of pipes
- installing new pipework
- pressure testing new pipework
- backfilling and restoring the excavated area.
Location of work
Who's Listening
Community Engagement Team
Phone 1800 678 098 Email
Photo Gallery
Cecil Hills
- Cecil Hills ProMac Newsletter - May 2020 (918 KB) (pdf)
- Cecil Hills ProMac Newsletter - December 2020 (783 KB) (pdf)
- Cecil Hills ProMac Newsletter - February 2021 (593 KB) (pdf)
- Cecil Hills ProMac Newsletter - June 2021 (1.03 MB) (pdf)
- Cecil Hills ProMac Newsletter - September 2021 (516 KB) (pdf)
- Cecil Hills ProMac Newsletter - December 2021 (471 KB) (pdf)
- Cecil Hills ProMac Newsletter - November 2022.pdf (335 KB) (pdf)
- Cecil Hills ProMac Newsletter - April 2023 (404 KB) (pdf)
- Cecil Hills ProMac Newsletter - August 2023 (434 KB) (pdf)
- Kemps Creek
Narellan South, Mount Annan, Bradbury, Menangle Park, Spring Farm and Currans Hill
- Narellan South / Mount Annan ProMac Newsletter - March 2021 (484 KB) (pdf)
- Bradbury ProMac Newsletter - March 2021 (494 KB) (pdf)
- Mount Annan / Menangle Park / Currans Hill ProMac Newsletter - October 2021 (625 KB) (pdf)
- Mount Annan / Menangle Park / Spring Farm ProMac Newsletter - December 2021 (481 KB) (pdf)
- Mount Annan / Menangle Park / Spring Farm / Currans Hill ProMac Newsletter - November 2022.pdf (816 KB) (pdf)
- Bradbury ProMac Newsletter - December 2022 (420 KB) (pdf)
- Mount Annan / Currans Hill ProMac Newsletter - April 2023 (337 KB) (pdf)
- Mount Annan/Currans Hill ProMac Newsletter - August 2023 (798 KB) (pdf)
Oran Park and Harrington Park
- Oran Park / Harrington Park ProMac Newsletter - September 2021 (854 KB) (pdf)
- Oran Park / Harrington Park ProMac Newsletter - December 2021 (398 KB) (pdf)
- Oran Park / Harrington Park ProMac Newsletter - May 2022 (361 KB) (pdf)
- Oran Park / Harrington Park ProMac Newsletter - December 2022.pdf (517 KB) (pdf)
- Oran Park / Harrington Park ProMac Newsletter - April 2023.pdf (427 KB) (pdf)
- Oran Park / Harrington Park ProMac Newsletter - August 2023 (522 KB) (pdf)