Project Overview
- Pipeline between Prospect water filtration plant (WFP) and Liverpool
- Reservoir at Liverpool
- Reservoir at Cecil Park
- Pipeline along the Northern Road
- Pipeline from Oran Park to Narellan South
- Reservoir at Narellan South
- Pipeline between Narellan South and Sugarloaf Water Pumping Station
- Pipeline between Sugarloaf Water Pumping Station and Campbelltown
- Reservoir at Campbelltown
- Pipeline between Sugarloaf Water Pumping Station and Macarthur WFP
- Reservoirs/Clearwater Tanks at Macarthur WFP
- Pipeline between Macarthur WFP and Appin
- Reservoir at Appin
- Pipeline between Appin and Milton
- Carnes Hill Reservoir
- Raby Reservoir
- Upgrade to existing pumping station at Prospect WFP
- New reservoir at Liverpool reservoir, Cecil Hills
- New pumping station at Liverpool reservoir, Cecil Hills
- New pipeline between Liverpool reservoir and Cecil Park reservoir
- New pipeline between Cecil Park reservoir and Oran Park reservoir (through Kemps Creek)
- New reservoirs at Oran Park
- New water pumping station at Oran Park
- Duplication of existing pipeline between Narellan South and Sugarloaf Water pumping station (through Australian Botanic Gardens)
- Upgrade to existing pumping station at Sugarloaf
- New water pumping station at Carnes Hill
- Upgrades to Macarthur Water Filtration Plant
- Minor network modifications
- Water chlorination facilities
- Electrical upgrades to supply power to the new infrastructure
What Infrastructure is required for the ProMac project?
The following existing infrastructure will be utilised:
The following new infrastructure is being constructed for this project:
What area does the ProMac project supply?
In addition to improving service to existing customers, the project will support growth in South West Sydney Growth Area, Western Sydney Aerotropolis, Liverpool CBD and Menangle Park.
General Information
What's the current state?
Currently, Sydney’s Macarthur-Camden area is supplied by water from the Metro Dams and Warragamba Dam.
Kemps Creek, Bringelly, and Rossmore areas currently have very minimal water infrastructure including tanks, rainwater, and farm-dam water.
The additional infrastructure will provide more storage capacity for drinking water to support growth and development within these areas, manage supply and account for future growth.
Construction Approach
- 7 am to 6 pm Monday to Friday
- 8 am to 1 pm Saturday
- consulting early and frequently with local communities
- preparing detailed construction and traffic management plans
- ensuring safe pedestrian routes
- changing pipeline alignments where possible
- timing construction to avoid peak times, and community and memorial events
- holding toolbox talks and inductions with all contractors which are community and site-specific
- notifying impacted residents of all scheduled work including any potential night works
- putting environmental mitigation measures in place. This can range from anything related to noise, dust, visual impact and mud tracking considerations.
What hours can construction activity occur?
ProMac's standard construction hours are:
Where possible, we do not work on Sundays or public holidays.
We may work outside of these hours from time to time, but we will always notify you before this occurs.
How will you minimise construction impacts?
We are committed to working with communities and stakeholders throughout detailed design and construction and encourage everyone to provide feedback on how we can minimise the impacts of this project.
We will do everything we can to avoid or minimise impacts including:
Why is access restricted through Western Sydney Parklands (WSP)?
From Thursday 11 February 2021 until November 2021 the southern pedestrian bridge over the M7 into Western Sydney Parklands will be closed.
Some pathways inside the Parklands will also be closed for this period.
These changes are necessary to ensure park users are kept away from heavy machinery that will be used to build the new pipeline in WSP.
Signage has been installed to direct park users around path closures.
We appreciate the Parkland's tracks are well utilised and we apologise for the disruption caused by this temporary change to access.
Community Engagement
- 24-hour ProMac hotline - 1800 678 098
- ProMac email address - ProMac@sydneywater.com.au
How will you be engaging the community?
Regular work notifications and newsletters are delivered to residents and businesses to keep them informed of our progress and possible impacts. Community information sessions will be held within communities who are heavily impacted by project works.
The community team also regularly door knock residents who will be directly impacted by upcoming work to explain the impacts and understand if the project team is able to address specific concerns.
Residents are also encouraged to contact the ProMac community team to provide feedback and ask questions. You can contact a team member via:
How are you working with other agencies to ensure this is delivered on time and on budget?
The construction ProMac pipeline and other assets such as chlorination plants and pump stations have implications for utility assets and land-use.
We have engaged with Local Councils, Endeavour Energy, TransGrid, AGL, APA, Jemena, major developers, private property owners, Western Sydney Parklands Trust, National Parks, Australian Botanic Garden and Water NSW to ensure that the project is coordinated with other activities and infrastructure projects.
We are working particularly closely with Transport for NSW to coordinate our works with the M12 and Elizabeth Drive upgrade projects.
- adjusting the alignment of a pipeline during design development to reduce the loss of nesting hollows and significant trees
- programming works to occur outside nesting season
- relocating fauna prior to clearing activities
- implementing weed management plans
- conducting fauna monitoring programs.
- We complete a temporary restoration of the trench immediately after the pipeline installation is completed
- We complete the permanent restoration of the road once testing and commissioning of the pipeline is done.
- Dust – dust suppression strategies, dust monitoring during a work shift, tracking weather forecasts and planning proactively, stabilisation of access tracks and removing excess materials offsite in a timely manner.
- Noise – crews work within approved construction hours, sufficient community notification is in place for work outside standard hours and noise prevention tools such as noise blankets, noise walls and noise monitoring equipment are used.
- Vibration – sufficient community notification, vibration monitoring equipment placed close to resident boundaries, and undertaking vibration works intermittently throughout the day to give residents respite periods.
- Mud tracking – street sweeper, stabilising access tracks with asphalt or spray seals, and cattle grids/wheel wash stations to ensure no mud is tracked onto roads.
- Tree clearing– Sydney Water assessed impacts to vegetation for ProMac as part of the REF. We are offsetting our impact for this project by:
- Planting and maintaining Cumberland Plain Woodland in The Australian Botanic Garden
- Developing a native landscaping plan for Liverpool Reservoir (in Cecil Hills), Harrington Park Pumping Station and Narellan South Reservoir (in Mount Annan)
- Working with Greater Sydney Parklands to reduce clearing and undertake a high-quality bushland restoration where trees must be removed.
- Communication – the Sydney Water Community Engagement Team are required to give 7-day notice for works which may impact residents. Residents should expect to be notified via letter or door knock, depending on severity of impact. Residents may receive a shorter notice period for urgent works or project updates.
Will you be replanting trees that are removed during the works?
We are committed to providing the best outcomes for the environment and will have measures in places to reduce environmental impact. All areas disturbed by ProMac activities will be restored as close as possible to their prior condition at the end of construction.
To minimise the impact on native Australian flora and fauna, an environmental assessment was undertaken by a project ecologist. Based on the assessment, we are implementing the following mitigation measures:
Before we clear trees, we will notify the community and stakeholders.
When restoring the landscape, we match existing vegetation communities. On a number of our ProMac sites, we have engaged specialist landscaping companies to ensure restored bushland will establish over time to a standard equal to or better than what existed before the work commenced.
Where large structures such as new pumping stations or reservoirs have been built, permanently altering the landscape, we have engaged a consultant to complete a Visual Impact Assessment and give advice on mitigations that could be implemented to reduce the visual impact for our neighbours. This can include using native planting to screen the new facilities.
Will you repair roads and footpaths damaged by the works?
We will restore all roads, footpaths, kerb, guttering and verges that are damaged during the works.
When repairing roads, we generally do this work in two stages:
The permanent restoration of roads may be completed by our principal contractor who installed the pipeline or we may engage the Local Council to complete the work.
How are you managing environmental impacts to the community?
While Sydney Water does not need a development application (DA) for the ProMac project, we are required to prepare a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) to assess all potential environmental impacts. The REF identifies environmental mitigation measures that must be implemented to reduce environmental impacts. Key areas of concern and associated mitigation measures include:
Are you consulting with Aboriginal organisations, traditional owners and Elders?
Sydney Water engaged with the Aboriginal community during the project planning stages of the project and during Aboriginal heritage salvage work.