Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre
Sydney Water is building the Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre (AWRC) in Kemps Creek and associated pipelines to support population and economic growth in Western Sydney.
Construction Information
Our delivery partner, John Holland, is building the AWRC, a treated water pipeline from Kemps Creek to the Nepean River at Wallacia and a brine water pipeline from Kemps Creek to our existing wastewater network at Lansdowne. The pipelines are built underground, mostly in road reserves and public spaces. Some sections of pipeline will need to be installed across private properties.
Construction is underway in parts of Badgerys Creek, Bonnyrigg, Bonnyrigg Heights, Cabramatta, Cabramatta West, Canley Heights, Canley Vale, Cecil Hills, Cecil Park, Elizabeth Hills, Fairfield, Green Valley, Kemps Creek, Lansdowne, Lansvale, Luddenham, Mount Pritchard, Mulgoa and Wallacia.
Our standard working hours are 7 am to 6 pm Monday to Friday and 8 am to 1 pm Saturday. We will notify affected people in advance if we need to work outside these hours.
John Holland is working hard to minimise disturbance however some people may experience temporary traffic changes and construction impacts, mostly from machinery that will be used to dig trenches and lay pipes. Construction of the pipelines will occur until late 2025.
When completed in 2026, the AWRC will deliver sustainable wastewater services and high-quality recycled water to support a cooler, greener Western Parkland City, with a wide range of benefits for the entire community.
Community Benefits
Key benefits for the local community include:
- efficient and cost-effective wastewater services
- producing high-quality, recycled water for a range of potential reuses
- potential to recycle organic waste to generate energy
- protecting local waterways and aquatic ecosystems via environmental flows
- producing biosolids for an alternative to chemical fertilisers in agriculture
- enhancing biodiversity by greening Western Sydney with recycled water
- supporting the vision for the Western Parkland City, to create quality places for the community, keep water resources in the catchment to support greening and reduce heat island effects
- generating renewable energy within the AWRC
- a centre that can respond to changes in demand as our community grows.
The AWRC is Sydney Water’s largest infrastructure investment in Western Sydney and when competed will provide a foundation for a circular economy hub in the Parkland City.
Planning Process
In 2021, Sydney Water prepared an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to describe the project and assess its environmental and community impacts.
The EIS was submitted to the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) and put on public exhibition from 21 October to Wednesday 17 November 2021, giving the community an opportunity to review and make submissions on the findings presented in the document. DPE provided planning approval on 28 November 2022.
To learn more about the project’s planning process and approval, visit DPE’s Major Projects Planning Portal where you will find the below documentation:
- Environmental Impact Statement
- Submissions Report
- Amendment Report
- Submission Report – Project Amendments
- Minister’s Conditions of Approval
Please visit this page regularly for updates as the project progresses through its construction phase.
Sydney Water is building the Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre (AWRC) in Kemps Creek and associated pipelines to support population and economic growth in Western Sydney.
Construction Information
Our delivery partner, John Holland, is building the AWRC, a treated water pipeline from Kemps Creek to the Nepean River at Wallacia and a brine water pipeline from Kemps Creek to our existing wastewater network at Lansdowne. The pipelines are built underground, mostly in road reserves and public spaces. Some sections of pipeline will need to be installed across private properties.
Construction is underway in parts of Badgerys Creek, Bonnyrigg, Bonnyrigg Heights, Cabramatta, Cabramatta West, Canley Heights, Canley Vale, Cecil Hills, Cecil Park, Elizabeth Hills, Fairfield, Green Valley, Kemps Creek, Lansdowne, Lansvale, Luddenham, Mount Pritchard, Mulgoa and Wallacia.
Our standard working hours are 7 am to 6 pm Monday to Friday and 8 am to 1 pm Saturday. We will notify affected people in advance if we need to work outside these hours.
John Holland is working hard to minimise disturbance however some people may experience temporary traffic changes and construction impacts, mostly from machinery that will be used to dig trenches and lay pipes. Construction of the pipelines will occur until late 2025.
When completed in 2026, the AWRC will deliver sustainable wastewater services and high-quality recycled water to support a cooler, greener Western Parkland City, with a wide range of benefits for the entire community.
Community Benefits
Key benefits for the local community include:
- efficient and cost-effective wastewater services
- producing high-quality, recycled water for a range of potential reuses
- potential to recycle organic waste to generate energy
- protecting local waterways and aquatic ecosystems via environmental flows
- producing biosolids for an alternative to chemical fertilisers in agriculture
- enhancing biodiversity by greening Western Sydney with recycled water
- supporting the vision for the Western Parkland City, to create quality places for the community, keep water resources in the catchment to support greening and reduce heat island effects
- generating renewable energy within the AWRC
- a centre that can respond to changes in demand as our community grows.
The AWRC is Sydney Water’s largest infrastructure investment in Western Sydney and when competed will provide a foundation for a circular economy hub in the Parkland City.
Planning Process
In 2021, Sydney Water prepared an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to describe the project and assess its environmental and community impacts.
The EIS was submitted to the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) and put on public exhibition from 21 October to Wednesday 17 November 2021, giving the community an opportunity to review and make submissions on the findings presented in the document. DPE provided planning approval on 28 November 2022.
To learn more about the project’s planning process and approval, visit DPE’s Major Projects Planning Portal where you will find the below documentation:
- Environmental Impact Statement
- Submissions Report
- Amendment Report
- Submission Report – Project Amendments
- Minister’s Conditions of Approval
Please visit this page regularly for updates as the project progresses through its construction phase.
Modification 2 of Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre project scope
Share Modification 2 of Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre project scope on Facebook Share Modification 2 of Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre project scope on Twitter Share Modification 2 of Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre project scope on Linkedin Email Modification 2 of Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre project scope linkAs detailed design and construction planning progressed, Sydney Water and its delivery partner, John Holland, identified several opportunities to reduce the project’s environmental and community impact. This included avoiding some impacts to threatened biodiversity and heritage as well as reducing impact to the community by simplifying some construction activities.
Eight alignment changes were proposed, located in the local government areas of Wollondilly, Penrith, Fairfield and Canterbury-Bankstown. These include:
- relocation of the flow control valve station (Bents Basin Road, Wallacia)
- realignment of the treated water pipeline at Golfview Drive, Wallacia and Elizabeth Drive, Badgerys Creek
- realignment of the brine pipeline at Bartley Street, Canley Heights
- realignment of access to Lansdowne Reserve
- temporary implementation of three underbore return lines at Nepean River, Jerrys Creek and Badgerys Creek.
Sydney Water prepared a Modification Report to assess the potential impacts of the proposed changes. This was publicly exhibited by the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) for 14 days from 18 July to 31 July 2023. A total of 12 submissions were received. We responded to each submission via a Submissions Report.
The modification application was approved by the DPE on 10 October 2023.
Further information, including a copy of the Modification Report, Submissions Report (including a copy of each submission), and DPEs Notice of Determination can be viewed on the DPE Major Projects webpage - MOD 2 - Pipeline Realignments | Planning Portal - Department of Planning and Environment (nsw.gov.au)
Community Update - June 2023
Share Community Update - June 2023 on Facebook Share Community Update - June 2023 on Twitter Share Community Update - June 2023 on Linkedin Email Community Update - June 2023 linkAs part of our commitment to keep everyone informed, Sydney Water's June project update newsletter is now available here Community Update - June 2023.
Night Utility Investigation Work
Share Night Utility Investigation Work on Facebook Share Night Utility Investigation Work on Twitter Share Night Utility Investigation Work on Linkedin Email Night Utility Investigation Work linkOur delivery partner, John Holland, will be completing investigation work by potholing to confirm the location of underground utilities along the route of the brine pipeline in Kemps Creek, Cecil Hills, Green Valley, Bonnyrigg, Bonnyrigg Heights, Cabramatta West and Canley Vale.
We will work from Monday 3 July until Friday 14 July 2023, weather permitting. Our working hours will be from 8 pm to 6 am Monday to Friday. We are completing this work at night to maintain safety for road users and workers and to keep people moving during peak travelling times.
We will use concrete saw cutters, excavators and vacuum trucks to form a pothole and confirm the location and depth of underground utilities. If required, jack hammers will also be used. We will also use lighting towers to light our work area. We will then fill and compact the pothole and restore the road or footpath surface.
This work will be noisy however we will coordinate our work so that residents do not experience noise for more than two consecutive nights, or more than three nights in total in one week.
We will be potholing in the following locations:
- Cross Street at the intersection of Devonshire Road, Kemps Creek
- Western Road between Elizabeth Drive and Overett Avenue, Kemps Creek
- Feodore Drive near Spencer Road, Cecil Hills
- North Liverpool Road between the Liverpool-Parramatta Transitway and Whitford Road and at Currawong Street, Green Valley
- North Liverpool Road at the intersection of Montgomery Road, Bonnyrigg
- Montgomery Road near Kincumber Road and Brown Road, Bonnyrigg
- Montgomery Road near Holdin Street, Bonnyrigg
- North Liverpool Road at Wilson Road, Bonnyrigg Heights
- Cabramatta Road West near Tarlington Parade, Cabramatta West
- Monash Place, Cabramatta West
- Hebblewhite Place, Cabramatta West
- Chancery Street between Vale Street and Landsdowne Road, Canley Vale
- Beckenham Street, between Bromley Street and Willowbank Crescent, Canley Vale
There will be temporary traffic changes to ensure the work zone is safe. Partial lane closures and speed reductions may be in place at times and there may be some loss of on-street parking while the work is being completed. Please keep to speed limits and follow signs and the direction of traffic controllers.
Daytime Utility Investigation Work
Share Daytime Utility Investigation Work on Facebook Share Daytime Utility Investigation Work on Twitter Share Daytime Utility Investigation Work on Linkedin Email Daytime Utility Investigation Work linkOur delivery partner, John Holland, will be completing investigation work by potholing to confirm the location of underground utilities along the route of the brine and treated water pipelines in Canley Vale, Luddenham and Wallacia.
We will work from Tuesday 27 June until Friday 28 July 2023, weather permitting. Our working hours will be from 7 am to 6 pm Monday to Friday.
We will use concrete saw cutters, excavators and vacuum trucks to form the pothole and confirm the location and depth of underground utilities. If required, jack hammers will also be used. We will then fill and compact the pothole and restore the road or footpath surface.
This work will be noisy however residents will experience impact for up to two shifts as the crew continues to move along the road.
We will be potholing in the following locations:
- Bromley Street between Beckenham Street and Chancery Street, Canley Vale
- Willowbank Crescent, Canley Vale
- Park Road near the Luddenham Showground, Luddenham
- Willmington Road between The Northern Road and Park Road, Luddenham
- Byron Avenue, Eagle Street and Driver Avenue, Wallacia
There will be temporary traffic changes to ensure the work zone is safe. Partial lane closures may be in place at times and there may be some loss of on-street parking while the work is being completed. Please keep to speed limits and follow signs and the direction of traffic controllers.
Draft Urban Design and Landscape Plan (UDLP)
Share Draft Urban Design and Landscape Plan (UDLP) on Facebook Share Draft Urban Design and Landscape Plan (UDLP) on Twitter Share Draft Urban Design and Landscape Plan (UDLP) on Linkedin Email Draft Urban Design and Landscape Plan (UDLP) linkWe have prepared a draft UDLP to set the strategy and design for the urban landscape and design at the AWRC. The UDLP focuses on the development of Stage 1 of the project (operational site) however considers opportunities for engagement around the future masterplan for green space (Stage 2) with relevant stakeholders.
Landscape design is important for the AWRC as it will help us achieve place-based outcomes through designing and caring for Country (in partnership with our Aboriginal stakeholders) and to support biodiversity through providing a restored landscape and a sustainable wastewater service now and into the future.
The plan will be submitted to the Department of Planning and Environment in late July 2023. You can review the plan here. For more information or to provide feedback, email us at uppersouthcreek@sydneywater.com.au or call our community relations team on 1800 064 127.
Modification of Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre project scope
Share Modification of Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre project scope on Facebook Share Modification of Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre project scope on Twitter Share Modification of Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre project scope on Linkedin Email Modification of Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre project scope linkThe environmental flows pipeline was initially planned to support waterway health by releasing highly treated water into the Nepean and Hawkesbury Rivers. However, this will now be achieved by releasing the same water via the Treated Water pipeline, removing the need to build the environmental flows pipeline.
Descoping this pipeline from the project will avoid the environmental and community impacts associated with its construction and operation. This includes potential impacts on some threatened biodiversity and heritage and avoids impacts from construction-related noise and traffic around Wallacia and Warragamba.
Sydney Water prepared a Modification Report to assess the potential impacts of the proposed change. This was publicly exhibited by the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) from 5 April to 18 April 2023. A total of 10 submissions were received, none of which objected to the proposed modification. We responded to each submission via a Submissions Report.
The modification application was approved by the DPE on 26 May 2023.
Further information, including a copy of the Modification Report, Submissions Report (including a copy of each submission), and DPEs Notice of Determination can be viewed on the DPE Major Projects webpage - MOD 1 - Removal of Environmental Flows Pipeline | Planning Portal - Department of Planning and Environment (nsw.gov.au)
Community Update - April 2023
Share Community Update - April 2023 on Facebook Share Community Update - April 2023 on Twitter Share Community Update - April 2023 on Linkedin Email Community Update - April 2023 linkHaving received NSW State and Federal Government approval for the AWRC project, we are now undertaking early work to prepare for construction.
As part of our commitment to keep everyone informed, we will be producing a general project update newsletter every six months, with more frequent, targeted updates posted to the news feed of this webpage.
The first newsletter is available here Community Update - April 2023.
Community Drop-In Information Session
Share Community Drop-In Information Session on Facebook Share Community Drop-In Information Session on Twitter Share Community Drop-In Information Session on Linkedin Email Community Drop-In Information Session linkSydney Water hosted a community drop-in information session on Saturday, 6 May 2023 at the Bringelly Community Centre to give the community an opportunity to learn more about the AWRC and other projects in the area.
Representatives were available to provide information and answer questions about projects in the Wester Sydney Aerotropolis and Mamre Road precinct areas including:
- Sydney Water
- Office of the Independent Community Commissioner
- Western Parkland City Authority
- Sydney Metro (Western Sydney Airport)
- Transport for NSW
- Department of Planning and Environment
- Office of Strategic Lands (OSL)
- Western Sydney Airport
- Penrith City Council
- Liverpool City Council
- Utilities (Endeavour Energy and Jemena)
World-class water recycling facility for Western Sydney
Share World-class water recycling facility for Western Sydney on Facebook Share World-class water recycling facility for Western Sydney on Twitter Share World-class water recycling facility for Western Sydney on Linkedin Email World-class water recycling facility for Western Sydney linkSydney Water has awarded a contract to build one of the most advanced wastewater recycling facilities in the southern hemisphere, in Western Sydney.
The contract to construct and operate the Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Plant (AWRC) has been awarded to a consortium of John Holland, TRILITY, GHD and Jacobs.
Operating at full capacity, the facility will treat around 70 megalitres of wastewater each day and produce high-quality treated water for sustainable use in homes and businesses across western Sydney, and biosolid products for use in agriculture.
Sydney Water Managing Director, Roch Cheroux said the plant is an important piece of infrastructure for the region and will leave a positive legacy for the communities of Sydney.
“AWRC will produce high-quality water suitable for a wide range of non-drinking uses for homes, businesses, industrial sites, agriculture and for the watering of public open spaces,” Mr Cheroux said.
The world-class leading facility will be located between Kemps and South Creek and service the Aerotropolis and Western Parkland City.
John Holland will be responsible for the design and construction. GHD and Jacobs will provide engineering and design services, while Trility will provide operations and maintenance advice as the project is delivered.
In a joint venture with John Holland, Trility will be responsible for the operations and maintenance of the facility for up to a 10-year period once completed.
John Holland’s General Manager of Water and Optimisation, Margaret Riley said she’s thrilled to continue a long-term collaboration with Sydney Water alongside partners Trility, GHD and Jacobs.
“It’s exciting to launch a project with such industry leading circular economy ambitions and Sydney Water is to be congratulated on its vision,” Ms Riley said.
TRILITY’s Managing Director, Francois Gouws, echoes the sentiments of its joint venture partner.
“It’s a real privilege to be working in collaboration with Sydney Water and alongside our partners John Holland, GHD, and Jacobs on such an exciting project, and one with motivations to drive innovation and a circular economy,” said Mr Gouws.
The Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling plant is due to be operational in 2026.
Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre and Pipelines
Share Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre and Pipelines on Facebook Share Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre and Pipelines on Twitter Share Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre and Pipelines on Linkedin Email Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre and Pipelines linkSurvey and ground investigations in your area from November 2022
Sydney Water is planning to construct the Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre (AWRC) in Kemps Creek and associated pipelines to support predicted population and economic growth in Western Sydney, including designated growth areas known as South West Growth Area and Western Sydney Aerotropolis Growth Area.
We need to survey the land, locate underground services and confirm ground conditions to inform the detailed design of the project. Our investigations will happen at the AWRC site off Clifton Avenue in Kemps Creek and along two pipeline corridors, from Kemps Creek to Wallacia in the west and from Kemps Creek to Lansdowne in the east.
From November 2022 until early 2023, you may see us working in public spaces like footpaths, parks and road reserves. Our work hours are 7 am to 6 pm Monday to Friday and 8 am to 1 pm on Saturdays. We will not work on public holidays.
We will also need to enter a small number of private properties to complete our investigations. Our delivery partner, John Holland Group, will contact directly affected landowners and residents at least 14 days before work needs to happen on private property. We will work with you to confirm access arrangements and suitable times.
To reduce traffic disruption and to ensure the safety of our workers and the community, we may need to work in some busy roads at night for short periods. We will provide advanced notice to nearby residents and will explain how we will reduce impacts from our work.
To know more, please email us at uppersouthcreek@sydneywater.com.au or call our friendly community relations team on 1800 064 127.
Thank you for your understanding during this work.
Who's Listening
To find out more about this project please contact us:
Phone 1800 064 127 (complaints and enquiries line)
Email uppersouthcreek@sydneywater.com.au
Post Upper South Creek Project
PO Box 160
Kemps Creek NSW 2178
Newsletters and Notifications
- One Month Work Look Ahead Notification - January 2025.pdf (318 KB) (pdf)
- One Month Work Look Ahead Notification - December 2024.pdf (341 KB) (pdf)
- One Month Work Look Ahead Notification - November 2024.pdf (343 KB) (pdf)
- One Month Work Look Ahead Notification - October 2024.pdf (358 KB) (pdf)
- One Month Work Look Ahead Notification - September 2024.pdf (347 KB) (pdf)
- One Month Work Look Ahead Notification - August 2024.pdf (1.08 MB) (pdf)
- Noise and Vibration Fact Sheet.pdf (215 KB) (pdf)
- Past one month look ahead notifications
FAQs - Project Overview
- What is the project’s scope?
- Who is delivering the project?
- What are the project’s benefits?
- What areas will be serviced by the AWRC?
- How much water will be processed per day?
- How will wastewater reach the AWRC?
- How can I connect to wastewater services?
- How can I get access to recycled water?
- How can I find out more about water treatment, wastewater and recycled water?
FAQs - Project Planning and Environmental Impacts
- Will the treated water released from the AWRC cause flooding or make flooding events worse?
- What are the benefits of environmental flows?
- What about flora and fauna? Will they be impacted by construction?
- Will the new infrastructure cause odour issues?
- What is circular economy?
- What is an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)?
- Why does Sydney Water need to remove trees along Park Road?
- Could the treated water pipe have been placed somewhere else?
- Will Sydney Water be replanting the vegetation that was removed?
FAQs - Construction Approach
- What it is the project’s timeline?
- How will you minimise construction impacts?
- Will Sydney Water need to take out easements or acquire land for the project?
- Will there be increased truck movements and road closures?
- Will there be noise and vibration impacts during construction?
- Pipelines
- What construction techniques will you be using for the pipelines?
- Where do the pipelines go?
Related Documents
- Community and Stakeholder Engagement Plan (CSEP) (Rev E).pdf (5.91 MB) (pdf)
- Upper South Creek AWRC and Pipelines Annual Sustainability Report 2024.pdf (17.7 MB) (pdf)
- Upper South Creek AWRC and Pipelines Construction Mitigation Measures.pdf (166 KB) (pdf)
- Upper South Creek AWRC EIS Overview Brochure.pdf (3.83 MB) (pdf)
- Upper South Creek AWRC EIS Brochure Vietnamese (1.59 MB) (pdf)
- Upper South Creek AWRC EIS Brochure Simplified Chinese (1.64 MB) (pdf)
- Upper South Creek AWRC EIS Brochure Arabic (1.6 MB) (pdf)
- Upper South Creek AWRC Stage 1 - Staging Report (1.26 MB) (pdf)
- Upper South Creek Urban Design Landscape Plan Stage 1 November 2023.pdf (31.5 MB) (pdf)
- Department of Planning and Environment_Approval of UDLP.pdf (406 KB) (pdf)
- Upper South Creek AWRC Independent Environment Compliance Audit (13 MB) (pdf)
- Upper South Creek AWRC Sydney Water Response to Independent Audit Findings (29 KB) (pdf)
- Key Policies and Procedures - complaints.pdf (60.7 KB) (pdf)
- Managing Director's letter to the community (122 KB) (pdf)
Approvals and Licences
- EPL_21800.pdf (451 KB) (pdf)
- DPE Approval Letter (142 KB) (pdf)
- Commonwealth Notification of Approval EPBC 2020-8816.pdf (2.11 MB) (pdf)
- Conditions of Approval - Upper South Creek AWRC (1.86 MB) (pdf)
- Conditions of Approval MOD2 - Upper South Creek AWRC.pdf (1.53 MB) (pdf)
- L11 (0503 2307 SWC USC AWRC Pipelines RAP) Rev 0.pdf (8.38 MB) (pdf)
- 240324 - Approval of Plan Strategy or Study - RAP - Signed.pdf (193 KB) (pdf)
- 0677828_JH USC Pipelines RAP_Final_rev01.pdf (10 MB) (pdf)
- Upper South Creek EPL 21800 Premise Maps_Rev 08 March 2024.pdf (3.94 MB) (pdf)
- Water Access Licence - WAL44922.pdf (229 KB) (pdf)
- Maps
Construction Management Plans
- Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) (Rev B).pdf (12.4 MB) (pdf)
- Noise and Vibration CEMP Sub-plan (Rev D).pdf (59 MB) (pdf)
- Upper South Creek - Waste and Resource Use CEMP Sub-plan (Rev C).pdf (133 KB) (pdf)
- Air Quality CEMP Sub-plan (Rev B).pdf (134 MB) (pdf)
- Soils and Contamination CEMP Sub-Plan (Rev B).pdf (186 MB) (pdf)
- Surface Water Groundwater CEMP Sub-plan (Rev C)_COMBINED.pdf (170 MB) (pdf)
- Traffic and Transport CEMP Sub-plan (Rev D).pdf (171 MB) (pdf)
- Traffic and Transport CEMP Sub-plan_Appendix D_Construction Parking and Access Strategy.pdf (54.4 MB) (pdf)
- Biodiversity CEMP Sub-plan (Rev E).pdf (197 MB) (pdf)
- Flood Emergency Response CEMP Sub-plan (Rev B).pdf (194 MB) (pdf)
- Sustainability Management Plan (Rev B).pdf (5.05 MB) (pdf)
- Heritage CEMP Sub-plan (Rev B).pdf (28.2 MB) (pdf)
- Construction Noise and Vibration Impact Statement Acoustic Advisor Endorsement (302 KB) (pdf)
- Construction Water Reuse Strategy - Part A (1.66 MB) (pdf)
- Construction Water Reuse Strategy - Part B (535 KB) (pdf)
- Construction Water Reuse Strategy - Part C (2.5 MB) (pdf)
- Construction Water Reuse Strategy - Part D (8.46 MB) (pdf)
- Construction Water Reuse Strategy - Part E (6.65 MB) (pdf)
- Construction Water Reuse Strategy - Part F (1.51 MB) (pdf)
- AWRC Remediation Action Plan (6.99 MB) (pdf)
- Community Agreements
- Culturally and Linguistically Diverse online community information sessions
- DPE A40 and 41 letter 3rd audit report and response to findings_10012025_table.pdf (35.2 KB) (pdf)
- USC - Independent Audit 2 Final 27_06_24.pdf (11.4 MB) (pdf)
- DPHI A40 and 41 letter 2nd audit report and response to findings table_280624.pdf (53.3 KB) (pdf)
- Upper South Creek - Independent Audit 3 Final Rev 0 10_1_24.pdf (11.8 MB) (pdf)
- USC Project - 2023 DI Public Reporting WIP FINAL.pdf (1.19 MB) (pdf)
- Compliance report USC EPBC2020_8816_final_consolidated_signed.pdf (3.12 MB) (pdf)
- USCP-JHG-MPL-ENV-0011 Rehabilitation Management Plan (Rev 5)_clean and consolidated.pdf (19.7 MB) (pdf)
- Noise and Vibration
Related Sydney Water Projects
Life Cycle
Planning Stage (Completed)
Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre has finished this stageDuring this stage, Sydney Water sought community and stakeholder feedback as part of early planning process.
Environmental Impact Statement and planning approvals (Completed)
Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre has finished this stageDuring this stage we sought comments and feedback leading up to and during the public exhibition period of the project’s Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
Our EIS Submissions Report responded to the feedback we received from community and stakeholders during the EIS exhibition period.
An Amendment Report was also prepared to reflect minor amendments to the project based on feedback from community and stakeholders. We also prepared a report that responded to the feedback we received from community and stakeholders during the Amendment Report exhibition.
State and Commonwealth Government Approvals (Completed)
Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre has finished this stageDuring this stage, the project was approved by the State government and Commonwealth governments.
Construction Planning (Completed)
Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre has finished this stageWith the relevant State and Commonwealth approvals granted, the project moved into construction planning. We prepared construction environmental management plans and early works and heritage investigations were undertaken.
Construction Commencement (Current)
Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre is currently at this stage
Useful links
To view Sydney Water's Growth Servicing Plan, please click here.