Refresh Vaucluse and Diamond Bay

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Diamond Bay

Below the cliffs of Vaucluse and Diamond Bay, wastewater flows directly into the ocean untreated.

It’s time for change and we’re continuing to work to ensure this iconic area of Sydney gets the clean, blue backyard it deserves. Under the Refresh Vaucluse Diamond Bay project we are building new infrastructure to divert the flows from the last three remaining ocean outfalls in Sydney to the Bondi Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF).

The project scope includes:

  • two new pump stations (one in Parsley Bay and one in Eastern Reserve)
  • 3km of new wastewater pipelines
  • upgrade existing infrastructure such us vent shafts and manholes

Whilst challenging, we know this is the right thing to do and we need you to get involved as we fix this problem once and for all.

Refreshing the wastewater system in Vaucluse and Diamond Bay offers multiple benefits—improving the harbour and coastal water quality, as well as protecting the health of the community and marine ecology.

In December 2023, Sydney Water appointed Abergeldie Complex Infrastructure (ACI) to partner with us to build the pump station at Parsley Bay as well as the pipeline to the Bondi treatment plant. ACI is an experienced civil engineering company with 25 years’ experience in delivering complex infrastructure projects in the utilities sector. Sydney Water will work closely with the ACI team to make sure construction activities are monitored and managed to the highest standards.

On 5 June 2024, the project team held a traditional Smoking Ceremony to mark the start of the construction of the project and honour the traditional lands of Birrabirragal Country at Parsley Bay.

Below the cliffs of Vaucluse and Diamond Bay, wastewater flows directly into the ocean untreated.

It’s time for change and we’re continuing to work to ensure this iconic area of Sydney gets the clean, blue backyard it deserves. Under the Refresh Vaucluse Diamond Bay project we are building new infrastructure to divert the flows from the last three remaining ocean outfalls in Sydney to the Bondi Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF).

The project scope includes:

  • two new pump stations (one in Parsley Bay and one in Eastern Reserve)
  • 3km of new wastewater pipelines
  • upgrade existing infrastructure such us vent shafts and manholes

Whilst challenging, we know this is the right thing to do and we need you to get involved as we fix this problem once and for all.

Refreshing the wastewater system in Vaucluse and Diamond Bay offers multiple benefits—improving the harbour and coastal water quality, as well as protecting the health of the community and marine ecology.

In December 2023, Sydney Water appointed Abergeldie Complex Infrastructure (ACI) to partner with us to build the pump station at Parsley Bay as well as the pipeline to the Bondi treatment plant. ACI is an experienced civil engineering company with 25 years’ experience in delivering complex infrastructure projects in the utilities sector. Sydney Water will work closely with the ACI team to make sure construction activities are monitored and managed to the highest standards.

On 5 June 2024, the project team held a traditional Smoking Ceremony to mark the start of the construction of the project and honour the traditional lands of Birrabirragal Country at Parsley Bay.

  • Parsley Bay Kiosk Open for Business

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    You can still grab a drink, lunch or a snack at the Parsley Bay kiosk!

    To access the Parsley Bay Reserve please use the pedestrian tracks on Hopetoun Avenue, Fitzwilliam Road and The Crescent.

  • Community Pop-Up Session in Parsley Bay Saturday June 22, 2024

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    Find out what’s happening at Parsley Bay

    Sydney Water’s delivery partner Abergeldie Complex Infrastructure has started work at Parsley Bay to build a new wastewater pumping station and supporting infrastructure that will redirect untreated wastewater away from one of Sydney’s last three remaining ocean outfalls.

    We are inviting you to pop in for a chat with the team from Sydney Water and Abergeldie to learn more about this important project.

    Date: Saturday 22 June 2024

    Where: Parsley Bay Reserve, Vaucluse

    Pedestrian access is open using existing walking paths and tracks on Horler Avenue, Hopetoun Avenue, The Crescent and Fitzwilliam Road.

    Carparking is available on local streets as the car park via Horler Avenue is closed.

    When: Anytime between 10.00am and 12.00pm

    We look forward to seeing you there.

  • Review of Environmental Factors Addendum (REFA) and Ecologist Report

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    In May 2024, Sydney Water published an Addendum to the project Review of Environmental Factors which includes recommendations from the Specialist Ecology Services Report.

    Both documents are available to the community here.

  • Start of construction at Parsley Bay and managing our work

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    On Wednesday May 29, 2024 our project team will establish the construction site in the car park at Parsley Bay. From this date we will close the car park and Horler Avenue to vehicles and install boom gates, pedestrian signage and site fencing.

    From the end of May for the next few months we will carry out investigations to locate underground power and water services in Horler Avenue, relocate services, connect to high voltage power lines in Parsley Road and Fitzwilliam Road and prepare the site for construction activities.

    To complete these works we will:

    • deliver materials and equipment
    • install a truck turntable in the car park
    • take away spoil from the site using vacuum trucks
    • install erosion and sediment controls around the car park
    • realign Horler Avenue to allow trucks to enter and exit
    • widen the car park entry (removing sandstone blocks and replacing them on completion of work)
    • relocate existing street lighting on Horler Avenue
    • prune the fig tree adjacent to the toilet lock and trim trees on private property
    • install temporary toilets and shower facilities in the park

    From September 2024, the existing toilet block will be demolished in preparation for the new pump station. Temporary toilet facilities will be provided throughout construction.

    During construction, you will continue to have access to the reserve using tracks existing and paths and tracks on The Crescent, Hopetoun Avenue and Fitzwilliam Road.

    You may notice:

    • vehicles entering and exiting the car park
    • trenching, saw cutting the road and rock breaking (if required)
    • installing pipes and conduits with site vehicles and equipment on the road and verges
    • limited clearing of vegetation in the pump station site area.

    All our work areas will be reinstated after work is completed. When you visit Parsley Bay, please be aware that we have your safety in mind, so we request that you follow the directions of traffic controllers and our project team.

    Managing our construction impacts

    We will minimise impacts as much as possible through active monitoring of noise, dust and vibration, our selection of machinery, considering the hours we conduct our high impact activities and training and supervision of our workforce. Management plans are in place for each stage of work.



    Noise and vibration

    • turning off machinery when not in use, use of low noise machinery, limiting higher noise activities and staff will be trained to be noise conscious
    • limiting the use of equipment at the same time in the same location
    • using noise barriers such acoustic blankets and fencing, where possible
    • completing noise and vibration monitoring on a regular basis
    • scheduling noisy work during daytime hours where possible, implementing respite periods for nearby residents and businesses.

    Visual impact

    • using shade cloth and maintaining a clean and tidy site
    • positioning lighting to minimise light spill

    Air quality and dust

    • using water to suppress and dampen down dust
    • ensuring plant and equipment is well maintained
    • stockpiling kept to a minimum.

    Traffic impacts

    • traffic management, access to properties on Horler Avenue maintained, and safe pedestrian access into Parsley Bay Reserve
    • workers transported to site in a shuttle, minimising car movements
    • trucks will not arrive and queue prior to 7am in residential areas.

    Biodiversity (Flora and Fauna)

    • vegetation clearing under the supervision of a qualified ecologist
    • vegetation trimming of street plantings along Horler Avenue in consultation with Council
    • where fauna including eggs or nests need to be physically relocated or rescued, an ecologist or licensed wildlife handler will supervise the activity
    • the amenity building will be inspected for any fauna including Bent-wing bats, immediately prior to demolition
    • all workers will be made aware of wildlife and ecologically sensitive areas and the need to avoid impacts
    • areas delineated for site clearing, access and material storage.

    Erosion and Sediment Control

    • site specific water management, erosion and sedimentation controls in place
    • ground disturbance minimised
    • controls installed to prevent off-site tracking of mud/dirt onto public roads.

    Waste Management

    • all waste transported off the site in accordance with the EPA’s Waste Classification Guidelines 2014
    • soil spoil and any other wastes would go directly into a truck or skip bin.


    • imported material is certified for intended use, free from contamination
    • if unexpected contamination is found, management protocols are in place


    • if any heritage items (Aboriginal or Non Aboriginal) are found, work will stop, and management protocols are in place.

    Fuel and Chemicals

    • a secure, lockable and floored area is used for storage of fuel, oil and other chemicals, Emergency Spill Procedure kits kept within the site compound.
  • Closure of Parsley Bay Reserve Car Park and Horler Avenue from May 29, 2024

    Share Closure of Parsley Bay Reserve Car Park and Horler Avenue from May 29, 2024 on Facebook Share Closure of Parsley Bay Reserve Car Park and Horler Avenue from May 29, 2024 on Twitter Share Closure of Parsley Bay Reserve Car Park and Horler Avenue from May 29, 2024 on Linkedin Email Closure of Parsley Bay Reserve Car Park and Horler Avenue from May 29, 2024 link

    On May 1 2024, our delivery partner Abergeldie Complex Infrastructure notified residents in Vaucluse and surrounding suburbs about the closure of the car park and Horler Avenue to vehicles in Parsley Bay from May 29, 2024 to late 2026.

    The closure of the car park will keep our workers and the public safe as the site construction site is established and we continue site investigations. The amenity block will remain open until we set up temporary amenity facilities in the Reserve.

    What you need to know

    During construction community members will have access to:

    • pedestrian tracks/paths on Fitzwilliam Road, and The Crescent
    • pedestrian and pram access on Horler Avenue
    • pedestrian access from Hopetoun Avenue, which may change during construction
    • toilet and shower facilities within Parsley Bay Reserve
    • Parsley Bay Cafe Kiosk, until we start construction of the new amenities block in the Caretaker’s Cottage
    • the children’s playground, beach, and bay area.

    Traffic control and pedestrian signage will be in place on Parsley Road and Horler Avenue to assist pedestrians to move safely past our work sites and into Parsley Bay Reserve during work hours. Parking will be available in nearby streets.

    Work hours

    Our work hours will be Monday to Friday, from 7 am to 6 pm and on Saturdays from 8 am to 1 pm. We will not work on Sundays or Public Holidays. If we need to work outside of these hours, we will inform you in advance.

    The map below shows pedestrian access to Parsley Bay Reserve during construction.

    We thank you for your patience during construction work.

  • Community Information Session at Eastern Reserve on 13 April 2024

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    Thanks to the Dover Heights community for meeting with us on Saturday 13 April at Eastern Reserve.

    The Sydney Water team met with the community to discuss the re-design of the new pump station design at Eastern Reserve. The location of the pump station is now closer to Eastern Avenue and we have removed the hard stand area, reduced the pumping station footprint, removed the sandstone blocks and significantly reduced the visual impact while maintaining access to the popular waking track. There was general support for the new pump station design.

    We spoke with over 50 people, including Waverley Councillors about the proposed infrastructure. We have noted comments that will assist us to further improve the visual amenity for people living close to the pump station and those using the reserve and walking track.

    We will now work with the design engineers to complete the next stage of design. We will invite the community to a meeting over the next few months to present the refined design.

    Thanks to the Dover Heights community - it was great to meet you!


  • Eastern Reserve Pump Station - Community Information Session April 13, 2024

    Share Eastern Reserve Pump Station - Community Information Session April 13, 2024 on Facebook Share Eastern Reserve Pump Station - Community Information Session April 13, 2024 on Twitter Share Eastern Reserve Pump Station - Community Information Session April 13, 2024 on Linkedin Email Eastern Reserve Pump Station - Community Information Session April 13, 2024 link

    In early 2022, we consulted with the community on the design of a new pump station and supporting infrastructure at Eastern Reserve that will provide a solution to the legacy ocean outfalls at Diamond Bay.

    After receiving the feedback, we have been working on re-designing the pump station to further minimise impact on community, the reserve and walking track. The pump station will be mostly underground, and we have moved the pump station closer to Eastern Avenue, combined the vent stack with a clifftop light pole, removed sandstone blocks and hardstand area near the pump station footprint to improve local access to the reserve and included landscaping to blend with the local environment.

    Come and meet the team

    Our team will be hosting a drop-in information session so you can learn more about the new pump station design.

    Date: Saturday April 13, 2024

    Where: Eastern Avenue, Eastern Reserve, Dover Heights

    When: 12.00-3.00pm

    We look forward to meeting you on Saturday 13 April 2024 at Eastern Reserve.

    If you have any questions or would like further information, our community engagement team can be contacted by email: or call: 1800 641 349.

  • Early works and site investigation at Parsley Bay

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    On March 22 our delivery partner, Abergeldie Complex Infrastructure notified local residents about the Parsley Bay site establishment and investigation works.

    What you need to know

    Over the coming weeks you will notice us in the area. You will see our people and vehicles in the Parsley Bay car park and Horler Avenue doing the following work activities:

    • Surveying and installing survey pegs
    • Installing environmental controls
    • Pre-condition surveys of roads, carpark, park facilities, footpaths
    • Locating existing underground services.

    This work will help progress environmental management plans prior to construction starting at the end of April/early May.

    Work hours

    Our work hours will be from 7 am to 6 pm Monday to Friday and from 8 am to 1 pm on Saturdays. We won’t work on Sundays, public holidays or over the Easter long weekend. We will let you know in advance if we need to do work outside of these hours.

    How will the work affect you?

    Access will be maintained into Parsley Bay through Horler Avenue and the car park will remain open while this investigation work is underway. We will notify you when we intend to close any car park access and parking spaces.

    ACI staff onsite at Parsley Bay

    Please refer to the notifications tab for more details.

  • Community Barbeque at Parsley Bay February 24, 2024

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    Thanks to everyone who came to meet the project team at Parsley Bay. We enjoyed meeting over 50 community members who asked questions about the purpose, benefits and work schedule for the new pump station and pipeline in Parsley Bay. We are listening, stay in touch.

  • Site establishment at Dover Heights

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    In late December 2023 we appointed Abergeldie Complex Infrastructure (ACI) to deliver the Refresh Vaucluse and Diamond Bay project.

    Sydney Water’s property on the corner of Portland Street and Lancaster Road will be the site compound for this work. We will start site compound establishment work from late February 2024.

    What you need to know

    You will notice the following work activities:

    • Minor vegetation clearing within the compound area
    • Widening gates, installing fencing and signage
    • Delivery of equipment, temporary site sheds and facilities
    • Establishing parking, laydown, stockpile, plant and equipment storage areas

    We will ensure our contractors are parking on site. Access to properties and the bus stop on Portland Street will be maintained.

    We’ll make every effort to reduce any impact our work may have on you.

    Work hours

    Our work hours will be from 7 am to 6 pm Monday to Friday and from 8 am to 1 pm on Saturdays. The site compound may be in use after these hours with light vehicles only entering and exiting during that time.

Page last updated: 24 Jul 2024, 04:06 PM